So, here's my idea for a group roleplay. If you are interested please let me know. For countless millennia the forces of Heaven and Hell have clashed, God and His angels fought against the demons, the devils, and the Leviathan; an ancient deity of chaos and madness. While humanity was celebrating the start of year 2100 A.D., in the spiritual realm God and the Leviathan clashed once again, as in the time before time. This time, however, something was different. During their battle, both the Leviathan and God died. Now the whole cosmos is falling apart. Angels, with no guidance, are trying to figure out what to do with mankind, and demons, without a God to stop them, are overrunning the mortal world. It is said, however, that God, in all His infinite wisdom, had a fail safe should something like this happen, and that there is one human being, somewhere on Earth, who contains the whole of God's essence, and through this human being God can be reborn. The sun has turned black, the moon is red as blood, the earth is quaking, the seas are boiling, and the dead are rising from the grave. The angels don't know how long they have to restore order to the universe and resurrect God, but they know they are running out of time. (Disclaimer: This roleplay will be based on a combination of Biblical stories, Hebrew and Catholic folklore, Christian mythology, the Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and the Apocrypha. It is not meant to preach any particular religious views, neither is it meant to attack any religious views. It is simply an epic story, told for entertainment.) [hr] So, here's some additional information. [b][u]The Factions[/b][/u] [url=]Raziel[/url] Raziel's Cabal: The angel Raziel was watching over God's shoulders as God created the cosmos, she learned the secrets of creation. Back when mankind first fell, Raziel wrote a book containing all of the secrets of magic, science, and creation that she knew. At the time he intended for it to lead mankind back into the light, but the other angels, worried about what dangers the book held in the hands of sinners, cast the book into the sea. Now, with God gone, Raziel has pulled the book out of the sea and intends to teach mankind its secrets in hopes that he might awaken the Divine Vessel. [url=$(KGrHqNHJBkE9!YpbLzpBPVlpNd4fQ~~60_35.JPG]Michael[/url] Michael's Legion: Michael was the angel who fought in the great battle to cast Lucifer and Satan out of Heaven long ago. With God gone she believes the only thing that can restore order to the cosmos is martial law, and so she is leading her armies of angels to impose that martial law over mankind. [url=]Uriel[/url] Uriel's Torch: Uriel, the angel of light and fire, believes that it is the evil of mankind that has allowed the demons of Hell to rise to such great heights, and so she has begun a purge, "The Baptism of Fire," to pass Holy judgment on the sinners of the world. She and her followers plan to purge mankind of all the morally weak so that the Divine Vessel may be safe from harm, or worse, corruption. [url=]Satan[/url] Satan's Wardens: Thousands of years ago, Satan was the Accuser in God's court, bringing forth those whom he believed had done wrong. On one occasion she brought forth a man named "Job," whom she accused of only loving God because God did great things for him. When this accusation was discovered to be false, Satan was ordered to leave Heaven as punishment. She refused, and sided with Lucifer, in hopes of capturing Heaven and doing things better than God did. Since then, Satan has returned to the mortal realm, and she will not rest until she has punished all of mankind, for there is not an innocent soul amongst them, in her eyes. [url=]Lucifer[/url] Lucifer's Choir: At the dawn of eternity Lucifer was created as the most beautiful of all angels, the leader in songs of praise directed to God, one meant to spread the message of love and forgiveness throughout the cosmos. However, Lucifer became proud, believed herself as glorious as God, and tried to usurp his position for herself. For this, God had Lucifer cast out of Heaven. Now Lucifer seeks to find the Divine Vessel and claim his or her power, so that she, Lucifer, may be the new God of eternity. [url=]Ibris[/url] Ibris's Horde: Ibris was the first-born child of the Leviathan. She long believed that the true state of the universe, the only way to achieve happiness was through chaos. Over the centuries she has attempted to tempt mankind into succumbing to total chaos. She has been at the heart of every major war, every anarchic riot, and in the mind of every serial killer. She wants nothing less than the utter destruction of all order in the cosmos. The Nephilim: Both the demons and the angels have had relations with human beings from time to time. Their offspring have been born with unusual abilities, ranging anywhere from incredible strength to magical abilities. The Nephilim consider themselves the champions of mankind, and usually fight against both angels and demons to protect