Kaito is an awfully timid young man trying to become a mangaka. He has talent but he's been too scared to show his work to any editors. Then, when he bumps into a woman on the streets, in his flustered state he hurries to his feet with his stuff and runs off. Due to his anxious attempt to get away the woman ends up going home with a copy of his work. The woman turns out to be the chief editor of an up and coming manga company. Later, Kaito gets a call and the editor tells him she likes his work and might want to hire him. When they meet in person she finds herself interested in more than just his work. Then, he catches the eye of a co-worker and assistant to the chief editor his age. Suddenly, this timid young man finds himself in the middle of a love triangle. [hider=Kaito][img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/214d0bf0787473d5f647ac767ac54f3c1348884196_full.jpg[/img] [b]Name::[/b] Hyoma Kaito [b]Age::[/b] 18 [b]Personality::[/b] Kaito is very shy and it doesn't help that he only recently moved to the city. He's not very outgoing and he spends most of his time writing in the diary on his phone. Most of it being about the stuff he wished he wasn't so scared and shy to do or story ideas. Kaito aspires to be a manga artist and writer. Unfortunately, his timid nature makes it hard for him to bring his work to editors and companies. Even so he's still very passionate about manga and anime which had helped Kaito become quite the voice actor. He hopes to do voices for his own characters if his work is turned into an anime. Kaito hates people who mess with and harass others and when he sees this his usual personality is overridden, causing him to end up in uncomfortable positions. Though many positions are uncomfortable for him. [b]Occupation::[/b] Aspiring mangaka [b]Likes::[/b] Manga, anime, spicy food, drawing [b]Dislikes::[/b] Stressful or unfamiliar situations, being as timid as he is, scary movies [b]Bio::[/b][/hider]