[quote=Vortex] Vladimir was walking the gardens, his courtiers bowed when he came before them, servants scurried out of the way for him and looked away from him lest they offend him. He was on his second lap of his garden walk when he came across his daughter and son. His daughter was taking off a old cloak and his son was looking distressed, like he had done something wrong "Hmm... And what would you too be doing?" [/quote] "they were sneaking out. my lord" said Ogcnoton with a smile looking to the noble, all while on his knees bowing to the mans feet as if he were a god. In truth he was not a fan of vladimir. He was always afraid of the man, not like he was with others, but as if the man were a demon. The prince always seemed like a child and Ogcnoton could relax around him, and the princess always seemed to be around him in the village so he had grown to be less afraid, though he always had a weak spot for her. The king scared him and the duke was somewhat his friend but vladimir was diffrent. He was terrifying.