[center][b]Elementals[/b][/center] [center]*[i]Intro music[/i]*[/center] [center]in[/center] [center][b]Void Assault[/b][/center] ------ [b]Wolgran[/b] The Hygrons are sitting around the small crackling fire. They all still have slightly confused faces, just like when they arrived, but now they look rested and a lot cleaner than then. I took in a couple of lungfuls of the clean, fresh smelling air, with eyes closed. They came one by one, through the mouth of the cave. They came here, obeying the summoning of Kyra which they received through visions. Most entered with amazed looks on their faces as they stepped into the big underground garden. I gave them food and water which they accepted without hesitation. I tend to forget how harsh and disgusting the world is out there now, it wasn't like this in my time, everything changed since then. But these Hygrons, they may still make it, they may restore what was once grand and powerful. Now there are ten of them, infused with the ten different elements: Terrae, Flora, Arx, Flagro, Fluvius, Gelio, Zephyr, Fulmis, Lux and Umbra. Since they were all rested and with a full stomach, i decided it is time for them to know. To give the explanation I owed them. I opened my eyes. "I will try to be short and won't attempt at making things seem better than they really are. Kyra has called you all here promising answers. A lot of you have yet to arrive but we cannot wait any longer; time is running out! Not just our planet, but existence itself is in terrible danger." I sit down on a flat rock next to the fire, looking at all the young hybrids in the eyes before resting my gaze on the flames. I pause for a short time, and the quiet seems to unsettle some of the Hygrons as the glance at each other suspiciously. "Existence. It is not something most people think about. It is always there, existence always… exists. It is such a fundamental rule that no one even realises it. Could you imagine a universe where nothing exists? Where existence itself ceases to exist? Never ending emptiness, never ending, infinite Nothingness. The Void. The Void's only purpose is to cease existence, and to accomplish that, it created beings, it made itself exist. These creatures of the Void are known as Vygorns, a race created for destruction, total annihilation. Their only purpose is that of destroying everything, their ultimate goal as a race is infinite Void, the end of all. They have destroyed many worlds already, and are right now, this very moment, working on destroying many more, including the planet you call Earth and all life on it. They walk amongst you humans, controlling you through politicians and corruption, they were the causes for most if not all major destructive events in human history, partly to keep the humans busy fighting amongst themselves while they worked on bigger things, but mainly to turn them greedy and easily manipulable. You all saw the world out there, it is a world of misery. People are being herded into giant factories and are made to work every day, until they die of fatigue, hunger, lack of sleep or some kind of poison getting into their bodies either from the air, the water, or the food. Yet, no one is out to do something against it. Humans have become a slave race, working towards their own destruction. [i]You[/i]," I say, slowly moving my arm to point at every one of the Elementals "are to stop this. [i]This[/i], is the purpose of you powers, it is why they were given to you. This place and the drops of strength left in Kyra is all that's stopping the Vygorns from sucking Earth and its solar system into a huge black hole." I sigh, feeling tired just from the memory of all the lost power, then continue in a sadder, quieter tone. "I was once a potent spirit with the appearance of a knight, custodian of Nature on Earth. I have fought against the Vygorns through the millennia… but I lost… I couldn't protect what I swore to defend. Now I'm just a weak spirit, an old man, more of a gardener, tending to the last little hideout." I raise my head, looking at the young Hygron, suddenly speaking with a rougher, authoritative voice. "You will rest for one more day here, then leave. The Vygorns are ammassing in Atlanta, they know that the last spot of Nature is somewhere around the city but our power is not large enough to be easily sensed. It is a matter of time before they find this place though, before they destroy Nature's Haven. The Vygorns depend on their leader, Vrail, who is the only one who can summon, with the help of other powerful Vygorns, the black hole to end the Solar System. You must find him and kill him at all costs, else, we die. All of us. My audience's heads all turn upwards as I stand up "I advise you not to go to Atlanta directly as you will probably get killed, attack smaller encampments or villages to draw them out in small groups from the city. You should first become strong and experienced enough to deal with larger numbers. The control you have over your Element increases with time and practice, especially with practice." I turn to leave but stop and turn back to face the speechless youths. "You might have already discovered the ability to summon your Kjugrons, your Guardian-Spirits. As Hygrons, or Half-Spirits, you all have a special Guardian who will fight for you. I suggest you practice summoning them, or learn how to if you haven't already. They will be extremely useful to say the least." I turn my back to them and leave. They are still speechless, good for them that I gave them some time to digest all of this. It must be quite a shock to them. I hope they will start making friends with each other as that will be very important. Cooperation is the only way they can win. I stop, a bad though comes to surface in my mind. What if they won't cooperate and instead-? No, no that won't happen, Kyra has it all planned out, the world will be purified so Nature can take over once again.