Ghost grinned, aldo this world was already in ruins, he also didn't truelly saw any sugestion in saving in. If it was true wat the old man said, then why would we even try. There are ten of us and there would be an entire army awaiting us. Ghost stood up as he walked into the shadows, dissapearing, he only let his blue grimson eye visable. There wasn't much to be saved, eather would there be a death wish for any who would truelly enter those grounds. [b]"If we want to fight an entire army, the best way is to know each other first. Once we know we can trust each other, then we can also fight along side eachother. For trust is the most inmportant part in a team. Aldo if what the old man said was true, then we shall also die, atleast a few of us. This would mean that some of us will never see this world back again, nor their family. They won't be able to see how this world has ended and they won't see it bloom again if we succeed"[/b] As this was said, Ghost glanced at the nine others in this room. It would be quite fascinating what the others will do once we truelly start to fight.