Kalok looked at his newest creation as it looked around the room, before its serpent like green eyes came to rest oj its master. It tilted its head and moved forwards, the light catching its scaled skin as it came forwards towards him, its teeth visible through its jaw, jagged white fangs. It had two large, powerful hind legs, with clawed feet... But it possessed no arms nor a second set of legs. Instead, there were two large wings where one would expect the second set of legs to be at the front, and the creature instead used those in place of a second set of legs. It paused, letting out a roar before speaking in a deep, gravely voice that seemed to shake the Earth "I am the first born of the Wyverns, and I am ready to serve!" It bellowed, stomping forwards towards its master. Kalok grinned and gestured to the door "The Imps will show you the way. Go now, I will have need of your skills shortly. Send me the Imp Foreman... I have work to do with him." Meanwhile... The ship sailed along the stretch of water, powerful orcish warriors ready and armed to launch an invasion of the nearest island. They headed toward a coastal village, and sailed past... And then fired their cannons. There was a crack unlike any of the islanders had ever heard, before the cannon balls flew towards them an impacted several of their buildings, knocking them down. Two boats launched from the village, small ships that were clearly designed more for fishing than anything, and began to sail towards the ship, obviously aiming to board it. Then came four more cracks of cannon fire, and the islanders watched in horror as the two fishing ships were sank. Another crack, the shells raining down on their town once more. Finally, one ran out towards the dock waving a piece if white cloth, and the shelling stopped. The Orcish ship sailed towards the dock to claim its surrendering prize. [Hider= Compendium information] Wyvern: Large, hulking two legged dragons, these powerful and proud beasts are not to be trifled with. They have scaly skin and emerald green eyes, that are similar in composition to that of a snake. Their teeth are sharp fangs that can tear through some of the heaviest armours of man, and their powerful tail can kill a man in a single, powerful swipe. They are massive creatures many dozens times the size of a man and can fly at speeds of up to 85 mph. The talons on their feet are as strong as steel and they can breath both fire and ice, making them deadly foes. They are proud and arrogant, seeing the mortal races and the "Lesser servants", which refers to almost every creature other than themselves, as being below them and subservient. When placed in a position of power, they may be either benevolent or cruel. They are not inherently evil, despite their arrogance and appearance. They are carnivorous, and thus see killing and eating as merely part of the food chain rather than any evil on their own part [/hider]