After introductions, Mira listened to the realtor's proposition to the girls about being roommates. It wasn't the worst idea in the world, but Mira had grown accustomed to living on her own. However, at this point in time, she really couldn't afford to be picky. I was now t minus 8 hours before she had to get her things and move the hell out of the dump she was in now. Charlie seemed to be into it as she explained some of the things she would definitely ask someone she would potentially be sharing a house with. Mira could see a drop of desperation in Charlie's eyes and it made her cave. Her decision was further reinforced by the idea of having a pool. She looked over to her new roommate, who seemed to be beaming at the prospect of having a place with a pool. Charlie's excitement made her smile, it was adorable. Mira wasn't so sure, but as the clock ticked by every second, the idea of finding somewhere else to live by tonight was looking pretty slim. "Oh, alright, sure," she said finally. "I'm really not that hard to live with and I think it will be fun." She looked at the blonde beside her one more time. You could tell a lot by a person's outer appearance, Mira always said. She was dressed casual and comfortable but she didn't look unkempt. She was stylish and seemed very sweet. The fact that she could cook just sweetened the pot. Mira was lousy in the kitchen, even making toast in the mornings ended with disaster. "Well since this is a really fast paced situation, I might as well share something about being your roommate," she said looking at Charlie. "I'm not a slob, I don't mind cleaning. I'm a terrible cook, so the best thing is to keep me as far from the kitchen as possible. All my friends live back in Pittsburgh, so there will practically be no one here." That sounded just about right, she guessed. They could get to know each other better later, or not at all, since the house was big enough for them not to see each other much. The view was spectacular and everything in it was new. The location was perfect and Mira believed that things were starting to look up. After a day like today, she couldn't possibly think it could get any worse, right? She looked back at the realtor, "Do you take checks?"