ACCEPTED CHARACTERS [hider=Wyatt Golder / facelessrecon]Name: Wyatt Golder Age(15-18) : 15 Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Wyatt is a very creative, unique individual. He tends to shy away from those he just met, but once he gets to know someone, he can joke around. He has a low self-esteem and takes anything to heart. He has good intentions, but usually doesn't follow through with things. He tends to be a night owl, preferring the solitude of the dark over the chaos of the day. He likes to sing but will do it seldomly. He gets fairly good grades in school without having to try. Regular or Witch: Witch Talent (Only for Witch) : Puppet Mastery History: He was born to normal parents in Haleton, not showing any sign of being a witch. Then, as he got older, he discovered he could somewhat control others through the use of puppets and dolls. He hid this talent from his family, not wanting to be considered a freak. It was a complete secret from everyone until he met Ms. Galeyard. She could tell just by looking at him that he was gifted. He has been training with her ever since then. Extra: He has a pet fruit bat named Zop. [/hider] [hider=Joshua Lonner / facelessrecon]Name: Joshua Lonner Age(15-18) : 16 Appearance: [img=] Personality: Joshua is a generally friendly person, and makes friends easily. While he does have many friends, he has no particular best friend. Who he hangs out with simply depends on his mood. He isn't involved with many clubs or groups, and likes to spend his free time at the movies. He tends to brush things off, not holding a grudge. He doesn't spend much time at his home, even choosing to wander the town rather than be stuck with his family. He likes to swim, and loves the summer time. If he has the option, he likes to be shirtless which can be inappropriate at times. Regular or Witch: Regular History: Joshua moved from a small town in Ohio, and arrived in Haleton years ago. Unknowingly, he befriended many of the witches. He has always had decent grades, averaging a low B or high C. He has visited Ms. Galeyard's home and is familiar with her. He enjoys her company, but still thinks something is off about her. Despite being gay, he has not come out to his family but it is no secret with his friends. His family is fairly wealthy as his father is a doctor. His house is large and even has a swimmign pool, which to him makes it the ideal location to spend time. [/hider] [hider=Ms. Galeyard / facelessrecon]Name: Ms. Morgan Galeyard Age: 30 Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Morgan is kind to most she meets, especially those gifted with powers. She is very protective of those she looks after, seeing them almost as her children. Morgan is very obsessive about keeping the powers a secret, and for good reason. She keeps her worries bottled up inside, occasionally venting to her pet gargoyle. While she allows the children to stay with her, she does not want to take them from their families. She is one not to tolerate bullying, but will let the kids fend for themselves when she knows they can handle it. She likes to watch the sunrise on the second story balcony of her home, as she finds it calming. Her biggest fear is something happening to those she cares about, but she has been faced with that multiple times. She doesn't talk about the students she has lost, and will try to change the subject. She is an amazing cook and specializes in baking. Regular or Witch: Witch Talent (Only for Witch) : Ms. Galeyard has many talents, but she is best at Soul Manipulation and Life Giving (giving life to inanimate things.) The second of these is very physically draining so she avoids doing it. History: UNKOWN Extra: She is the one who helps the children develop their powers. She knows that something horrible is happening, but would never tell the children out of fear of panicking them. She likes to discuss powers with the children and answer their questions, but she isn't much help when it comes to actual school work.[/hider] [hider= Evangeline Bellini / Solita]Name: Evangeline Bellini; 'Eva' Age(15-18) : 17 Appearance: Eva has long blonde hair reaching down to about her chest, and bright green eyes that always seem to be focused on something or other. Usually wearing rather light clothing relative to the current weather, as she prefers the cold. Personality: Eva is rather soft-spoken, but not necessarily shy. She always has a somewhat calm air about her, and tends to act as a voice of reason to her friends, often guiding disputes to peaceful resolution. Strangely, while she doesn't act emotionally distant, none of her friends can really recall a time when she got genuinely worked up over something. They've never seen her get angry or depressed, but have also never seen something really overjoy her. Regular or Witch: Regular History: Eva moved to Haleton with her mother when she was 12 years old, and initially seemed much more withdrawn than she does today. Over time, the issue seemed to grow less and less, and she settled into her current self. Tends to speak in vague language when someone asks about her life before she moved to Haleton. Extra: Often seen with an earbud in only one ear, which is always playing soft classical music.[/hider] [hider=Artemis Demoria / Soul]Name: Artemis Demoria Age: 16 Appearance: Artemis is a rather...'formal' looking male, with a naturally slanted nose, and a pale, angular face, though due to his age it's still losing some of it's original baby fat. His eyes are a bright, yet calmed black, seemingly taking in and analyzing everything. Art's hair is rather odd as well. A shade of peculiar white, lightly folding between his coal-like eyes and naturally rolling down his head and hiding his ears; a wonderful canvas of pure-white hair set into a natural 'slicked-back' hairstyle. He stands within the average height of a child his age, if not a tad smaller, his body-form both slender and fit from dieting and common exercise, more often then not the exercise ends up being jogging or swimming. Artemis's usual choice of clothing is light, casual, and yet oddly formal, preferring to feel the breeze, as they say. Personality: Art is rather...distant, once you actually meet him the first time. Easily dismissive of anyone other than people he find worth talking to or interacting with, and a rather mocking, sharp, and sarcastic person once forced to interact with someone loud or, in his eyes, annoying. He has no trouble making friends; his rather...soft, monotonic voice could be hypnotizing when enforced, and his seemingly regal, yet quiet appearance does little to run off any potential friends. No, what sets him apart from possible friendships is, as you guessed it, his actual personality. Naturally quiet and calm-headed, Artemis tends to think things through quickly and calculatingly, a tribute to his immensely tactical and intelligent mind frame. He could be seen as cold and brutally honest, due to him not pussy-footing over insults or wordings, but if you actually manage to befriend him then be prepared for an overly-protective guardian. Once with friends and not strangers, Artemis's personality subtly shifts; he becomes more...'chilled' instead of 'frigid', and could be a kind, warm-hearted gentleman, a lot more laidback then his previous posture, and a general treat to be around. When not among friends, and with strangers, Artemis tends to keep to himself, either reading a book or practicing magic that he otherwise didn't know, or certain skills that he is average with. When there's something to do, Art does it with the utmost efficiency and sharpness, though he could sometimes be lazy and mess something up if he believes it to be unworthy or a waste of time, which, most of the time, it ends up being. Despite his flaws and strengths, Artemis is a big 'softie' on the inside, liking companionship and friendship even if it seems as if he doesn't at times. Yet, if you anger him enough, which is unlikely, prepare yourself. Isn't afraid to speak up, and is often annoyed by shy, weak-willed boys and girls. Regular or Witch: Witch Talent: Artemis is a prodigy when it comes to arts relying on the usage of ice, and most of it's sub-elements such as wind, water, and snow. It all comes naturally to him. History: His history isn't something exceedingly great. Artemis grew up in a rich, noble, and overall ancient family, living in solitude for most of his life. His parents were never there, and the only people to keep him company was a lot of maids and butlers. Of course, they were not hired to be a babysitter, so love and acknowledgement wasn't, and still isn't, something he was/is used to. This caused Artemis to put on a stoic and cold font, yet no one looked past his mask, and this only enforced the mask to meld into actual reality. He threw himself into studying, and utilized the maids and butlers to teach him privately whenever they were not busy cleaning or lounging around. Eventually, at the age of 7, while studying for a test, Artemis learned of something amazing; he had magical prowess! It starated when he froze a glass of tea, and it was further proven when he actually floated when going for a daily jog. This relevation only cemented his fears, and through sheer fear of being found out, he ran away from home at the age of 9, being sent to an orphanage only a week later. There, in the safety of his own room, did he practice his magical powers where no one would find him, becoming well-versed in the cold, frigid, yet soothing power of his element. He learned to contort ice into various shapes, pull water out of thin air to use as whips, and to even levitate and give himself a permanent boost of both agility and speed by blessing his legs and body with the swiftness of the Wind. Eventually, he was found out when drifting through a nearby forest park by Ms. Galeyard. The needed acknowledgement helped the young boy, turning him into whom he is today. Extra: N/A[/hider] [hider=Phillip Garret / CLIW]Name: Phillip Garret Age: 16 Appearance: Very slim with tiny muscles and big glasses. He has a specific designated color that he wears for every day of the week. He's very pale, with light brown hair and blue eyes. He's pretty ordinary-looking, if you can get past the occasional weird random gestures he does. Personality: Phillip is a high-functioning autistic, which explains the colors and the gestures. He is terrible at interacting with people, and he really doesn't like being touched. People would need to get express permission (mostly written) to hug him, although the only ones to have signed on so far are his parents and his younger sister. He really doesn't care about offending people, which is good, because he thinks out loud. Many of his teachers don't like him because he's always questioning their teaching- "What do you mean we can't chew gum? That increases the flow of blood to the brain which makes us think better, are you trying to wreck us sir, are you trying to wreck our grades?" He likes cats a lot, too. Schedule changes? Nope nope nope. Regular or Witch: Regular History: His entire life has been a history of everyone around him trying to cope with his odd quirks. His parents of course are used to it, because being asked to mark the exact amount of calories in your son's lunch eventually gets in your head. Extra:[/hider] [hider=Tracy Neil / CLIW]Name: Tracy Neil Age: 17 Appearance: Frizzy red hair that she attempts to tame with a ponytail, dark green eyes and tannish skin with freckles. She has a nasty-looking scar on her right hand from getting it smashed in a car door when she was little, and limited dexterity in that hand. Needless to say she's a lefty. Personality: Caring, protective, only opens up to a few people, confident. She's also pretty humorous and will happily go along with any mean-intentioned "ginger" jokes made in her vicinity. She watches out for Phillip quite a bit to keep him out of trouble. She is currently trying to go through the process of getting permission to hug him, but he's the last person to tell she's a witch, because he'd be quite loud in his reply. Regular or Witch: Witch Talent: Illusion casting? History: Not very out of the ordinary. Unless being a witch is hereditary, her parents don't know she is one, and she was raised normally. She discovered her talent (obviously I'll edit this out if not approved) when a large dog began chasing her little pre-teen self while barking ferociously, and not aware that the poor thing only wanted to play she caused it to hallucinate and curl up on the ground whimpering while she ran home. Extra:[/hider] [hider=Lilith Ayers / Amestris]Name: Lilith Ayers Age (15-18): 15 Appearance: Lilith is 5”7’, with black hair that she bleached at the ends, turning it into a honey-gold color. Her right eye is sapphire, and she’s blind in her left eye, making it a washed-out blue jean shade. She has olive-toned skin that looks a bit off, since she hates the sun and avoids it as often as possible. Lilith’s slim, and isn’t really picky about clothes, though she would never wear anything pastel, or a dress. Normally she just puts on a black and neon shirt with jeans and a hoodie, nothing really special, and she will only wear sneakers, unless it’s summer. She always has these electric-blue headphones on, because her ears were very sensitive to start with, and after she went blind in one eye, her hearing sharpened. Personality: Lilith is very rebellious, though she only shows it in ways she can’t get in trouble for. She has trouble socializing with people, not because she’s shy; it’s just that she finds people rather dull and stupid. She’s more street-smart than book-smart, though she still manages to get good grades (Devil knows how). Lilith likes manipulating people, mainly because its fun and the idiots don’t know what they’re actually doing. Others might call her emotionless, but she just prefers to express herself in different ways. Even if she’s half-blind, don’t sneak up on her, especially on her free time. She’s probably drawing or plotting your demise. She hates it when people call her Lili. Regular or Witch: Witch Talent (Only for Witch, pick one): Umbrakinesis (Shadow Manipulation) and some other closely linked magic in the same type. (You know, shadows… death…yeah. But she can’t kill with a touch or anything. That’s godmodding.) History: Lilith was raised as a Witch Hunter. Her parents were famous ones, and they always dreamed that she would be the same. Unfortunately for them, she turned out to be a witch at the age of ten, and they kicked her out. That was the one time her rebelliousness got her in trouble. Ms. Galeyard found her when she was beating up some teenagers who tried to sell her crack, after she told to f*** off and managed to stab someone’s shoulder with a shadow-blade she conjured. Extra: She likes heavy metal and screamo, mainly because she can turn it down until it’s at a volume she can take, and it still sounds ‘loud’. It makes her feel more normal.[/hider] [hider=Amelia Boscnovitch / Epiphany]Name: Amelia Boscnovitch Age: 18 Personality: A very prideful woman who rules with an iron fist, she is extremely intelligent and calculating. She describes people as "pigs in human clothing", and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. However, she respects those with resolve and has been quite forgiving to some. Amelia acts calm, reserved and regal, she is experienced in grace and poise, she is good with words, persuasion especially, she will stop at nothing to get what she wants even if that means destroying at what stands in her way. As a woman of a serious nature, its often hard for her to slow down and and enjoy things. She is often so caught up in her own mindset that she forgets to include the feelings of others. Amelia pays attention to the big picture - which means she sometimes tends to take things for granted. She has a strong sense of loyalty and duty, often casting aside unnecessary debility in order to achieve the larger goal. Amelia has no problem speaking her mind to anyone, but her feelings are something she will usually cast aside as 'unnecessary' or 'distracting'. Regular or Witch: Witch Talent: Literary/Script Manipulation - The user has the ability to manipulate all forms of physical literary objects that are printed, written or drawn (books, comics, magazines etc.), including their physical forms/materials and anything written, printed, illustrated, or drawn in them. When the words slip off of the page the user is capable of using it as a weapon - In most cases they become as sharp as knives -. The user materializes solid words in their depicted form (ex. writing "fire" would create fire) and then throws them at the opponent. The letters written with Solid Script are written in English. History: She has not always been as sharp as she is now, and growing up it was a struggle to live up to her family's very high expectations. Though witch titles were often given to those in the immediate family. Born into a wealthy family, Amelia's father is a successful salesman, the father of three healthy children. Her mother was the daughter of another salesman, who married her father to cement trade ties. Amelia is doted on by her parents and her two older brothers, and has never wanted for anything in her life. As both the youngest sibling and the only girl, she is spoiled by her family -- this had made her greedy and selfish. Due to the material nature of her family life, Amelia has grown up with a deep-set craving for wealth. While by no means poor, she still lusts for more from life. She doesn't want to marry to advantage and become a complacent wife, as her family would like her to - used to getting her way, she has grown secretly rebellious and cunning, though sometimes she overestimates herself. Extra: She finds it extremely unlike her to do reckless things, such as getting into fights and using her powers.[/hider] [hider=Aisling Rose O'Rielly / Aisling]Name: Aisling Rose O’Rielly Age(15-18) : 16 Appearance: Aisling has long red curls that are sometimes unruly, freckles, deep green ‘witchy’ eyes, 125 pounds, 5 foot even, and muscular build due to her excersing. Personality: Aisling is distrustful of others because how she has been treated by others in her life. If she does befriend someone she is loyal to the person. She is always polite and civil to all even if she distrusts the person. She is a hard worker and enjoys learning anything that catches ger interest because of her curiosity. Regular or Witch: Witch Talent (Only for Witch, pick one) : Weathermastery History: Aisling’s parents dropped off Aisling at the age of 7 at her grandmother’s home on their way to one of the competitions for her popular sister, Candice. They never came back or contacted the grandmother. The grandmother took care of Aisling from the time she was dropped off until she was no longer able to then began to look for a good place for her to stay. She found Ms. Galeyard’s home and decided to send Aisling there. However, Aisling is very upset because her grandmother told her that she will not be able to come home ever for was close to death’s door. It was then that she found out that her grandma was a seer as well as a Weathermaster and herbalist that Aisling knew about. Her grandmother is sending a special trunk of items that Aisling will need in the future. A special fund was set up for Aisling and her education. Aisling was given a large amount of money that is in a safe disguise as a traveling desk. She also is sending a few personal items of great value to be stored until Aisling is graduated.[/hider] [hider=Xander Ilyes / Venom]Name: Xander llyes Age(15-18) : 18 Appearance: His hair and eyes are as black as onyx. This is a stark contrast to the porcalin that makes his skin, but the comparisons to fine stone end here. His hair is generally a mess, looking similar to that of a grunge rocker. His build would make one think him a solider not a student, the various scars cover him would make one think he was an just that. His manner of dress is more or less what feels comfortable sweats and his flip-flops.....even when it snows. Personality: Lazy dragon, he lounges about slow to do anything that isn't what he wants to. Building upon this he is not a completely self centered it is hard for people to show up in his world. He is only really comfortable expressing two emotions anger and joy, any other emotion and he forces a smile. He opts for solitude simply because he doesn't really understand people, but he does understand things. He likes nice things, shiny or otherwise, it makes him appear a tad greedy. He thinks little of things like people though, they are so easy to change.... Regular or Witch: Witch Talent : telekinetic (Best way to describe it) His magic reacts to emotion and physical effort intensifying it. Its just crushing force,a vice grip, or as his mother referred to it, Rex's bite. It seems limited to what he can see, and the forces on it are a variable, but as he has grown older and trained it crushing wood is child's play. History: Fairly standard on most accounts, his inherited ability aside. It manifested early enough that his mother thought it superior breeding and honestly took pride in it. unfortunately for her and her husband. He was starting to get into physical exertion and competition when his lack of control came to more than just his parents attention. Balls exploding that where tossed to him, and barbells bending...In order to guarantee his safety he was sent on to Haleton. In addition his parents had to watch their social status so they played it off as their son studying abroad. Extra: He sleeps whenever he feels board. Standing, sitting, it doesn't matter.[/hider]