Anne looked around the train station again holding up her ticket. ' here to chicago, chicago to L.A where her new job will be waiting. ' Anne shook her head and walked up to the ticket man holding it out." Mrs. The train to Chicago is running late ,you will need to go upstairs, I will make a all call when it's coming." Anne looked at the man shaking her head.' the trains late well isn't that great.' She sighed dragging the suitcase past the shops once again. Making her way upstairs she sat on a kind of empty bench, there was a young man on it. Putting her suit case next to her side of the bench. Opening her purse she took out a kindle fire HDX and started to read. As few hours earlier she had dumped all her money in her account and took off. She had a total of 230,000 in there plus her pocket cash. ' I really hope that my room partner thing was a good idea, of course it's a good idea both of us get to save money to this train ride.' Pushing back some red hair she keeps reading her book.