Kaede was somewhat hesitant as she exited the building. In her mind, any time someone asked her to get in their vehicle for the first time, there was the constant fear that they would be one of those characters that drives like an utter lunatic. Of course, this fear instantly disappeared when she saw the children get in without any issues. Surely if her employer were that kind of character, they would've been traumatised by that sort of driving, shaking with fear...or at the very least, they'd cheerfully compare Toshiko's driving to a rollercoaster. Breathing a sigh of relief, she got in the van. As she buckled her seatbelt, the bespectacled teen caught sight of Jun attaching an ofuda to his own and Hanako's. She blinked a couple of times and then asked the obvious question. "Um, why are you doing that?" She wasn't quite back to fearing for her life. After all, TV made a big deal about traffic safety sometimes, right? It was entirely possible that the child had simply seen a PSA or a cheesy old sentai team and decided to take the extra precautions.