Alright wyvern your dude is in, for not even ancient evil can deter the threat of shamefur dispray and unemployment when overtime is happening. Parser you need to take off a point of something because I'm getting a 31; get rid of that single digit and we'll be fine. Also I believe I told you we could just make a special ability up that declares the robot's inorganic nature and the benefits it might confer. Aight otomos. Rules say you shouldn't start with 5 anything in char gen which I am abiding by. So change that and you're golden. Anyway servant could work if you wanted it to do slight more stuff such as legit meatshielding, also I could help stat it if you wanted. Anyway might want to reword magic puppet into Hobby:magic puppet just so I don't forget and to implicate you know about the subject beyond knowing to use it. And if you're attacking with the puppet more often than your character herself I'd give higher damage with the puppet; which I'd probably reword it as Weapon: Puppet with greatsword[Insert number here]. Also while I up for custom skills you should probably explain what Loot does Also with your power moves you got the endurance values wrong, by default you're burning 10 plus whatever effects that add or subtract. So that in reality Assembling Dash Attack would be 30 endurance Puppet Sky Attack I'm not allowing decimal values so let's have it as being extra damage 2, in which it be eating 20 endurance For puppet guard, would be better served by the barrier ability, unless you took the servant ability and then it would simply be having it taking the hit for you.