The sarcastic remark aimed at Rasui did not even tickle. Albeit he listened to the human named Kai, the Key had no intention of admitting his own mistakes, merely because he did not consider those actions his faults. There was nothing in this or in the other world that could make him utter a prolonged ‘s’ at the beginning or the end of a word. It was embarrassing, due to the fact that the sound would come out as a hiss and the likelihood of his tongue unconsciously sticking out was high. When placed in the middle, the task caused less strain, yet still required attentiveness, especially those wretched “assassin”, “assassinate” and the like. He was thankful that this new master of his did not dwell on this subject, nor on the one concerning the label “dump”, which the Leviathan Chronicler had stamped on the apartment. The conversation would have taken far too long and would have definitely diverted them from their job at hand, which in turn would have provided a possibility for outside interference. In the worse case scenario, the boy would go to school or work and forget all about him. [hider=music][center][youtube]-Ijr3ABY8uM[/youtube][/center][/hider] Whilst Kai stumbled out of the room, most likely in order to retrieve his phone, the green-eyed spirit took his time to look around carefully, not a single song playing in the background. A dull grey space it was, with figures and boxes scattered on the floor. The toys were of various characters, which belonged to different animated shows, and the boxes were of DVDs and CDs that held the said animations or their soundtracks within them on disks. Posters hung on the walls, displaying games, some of which Rasui knew. There were no family pictures, no guitars or cigarettes, no skateboards and no medals. The Internet history in the browser did not contain anything that strayed from the themes that decorated the earthling’s dwelling place. MyAnimeList, Animefreak, NetChan, Zerochan, Pixiv, Reddit, Booru. It can not be denied that some links were perverse and not for a young maiden’s eyes. They intrigued the snake and made him glad that humanity had yet to obtain the knowledge of how to install a smell sensor in their mobile devices, because his sensitive nose would have not tolerated even for a second the repulsive smell that he presumed flowered in the being’s home. The tapping of raindrops was the only sound to be heard. Everything stood still, in a chaos as if frozen in a monochrome time. Thunder ringed in the distance, but was a mere echo and did not make the windows shiver. These signs, as well as the fading access to the Web, were enough to enlighten the Key on the current weather condition. Staring blankly for a moment at the room illuminated by grey light, he wondered if he could quickly slip out and enter a security camera. The building was bound to have one, unless it was in a poor area. However, the outworldly being discarded the idea, for he was waiting for a certain someone to come back, as much as he disliked it. Thus he stood on screen with eyes gently shut, silently enjoying the natural music of the Human world. As always, this side never ceased to amaze him. In his dimension water almost never fell from the sky in any form. Only creatures older than three hundred years could recall such an amazing occurrence. He himself had only witnessed it through the invisible wall that divided the worlds, which was the reason why he loved and was so curious about it. How could transparent liquid come pouring down like how sunflower seeds did? Would it feel oily? Or maybe it was like jumping into a river and coming out of it? Rasui could not tell. After all, most elements in the Human world were completely illogical in Cell City terms. Hotaru had told him it was like being sprinkled on by a sprinkler and Ronda had compared it to being spit on, but he did not believe either of the two, the first because he did not know what a sprinkler was and the second because he couldn’t accept that something so beautiful could be like spit. Only Lidia had agreed with him that rain was wonderful, for she was a kind and understanding person. The rest either disliked or brushed it off. His most recent owner was probably the same as the majority. That boy wasn’t a difficult equation. Simply looking through his files and browser history was enough to understand what kind of person he was. [center][i]’Ah, I hate this kid already.’[/i] Rasui sighed in his thoughts as he opened his eyes only to watch the one on his mind enter the room. [/center] [b]“Okaeri, kid. Key Shop’s exactly where you last saw it. Don’t mess around with it just yet, cuz I don’t want to fix any messes this early on.”[/b] the Key spoke in nonchalantly. Kai sat down on the chair amidst the ‘ruins’, but before he opened the program, the lad looked at the monitor, directly at his new companion, and spoke: [quote=Kai][b]“Look, to be honest, I have no idea what’s going on here and you haven’t helped with that. So, if we’re going to get along here, I’m going to need some answers, so let’s make an agreement. I choose a decent name for you and I do this whole process of choosing a username or whatever and you’ll give me answers as soon as I’m done. Real answers too. Honest explanations. Am I understood?”[/b][/quote] [b]“Yah, yah, yah. Just hurry it up! You’re slower than a grandma snail on a non-discount day.”[/b] was Rasui’s response. Throwing a fit over a petty little bargain like that would waste too much time. He did not see a reason to disagree in the first place. If he could get a good name as easily as that, there was not a chance he would refuse. Of course, he would have to explain to this kind master what he considered “real” and “honest” a bit later. With that, Kai entered a name and muttered under his nose after he hit the “enter” button: [quote=Kai][b]“I hope ‘Loki’ is good enough for you. If not, then tough.”[/b][/quote] [b]“”[/b] Rasui pronounced his new name and immediately began contemplating on it. [i]‘Heeh, not bad. Not bad. The Norse god of trickery and mischief. Can’t say we don’t have things in commo-... Wait… is this kid… giving me a hint?’[/i] It just so happened that one of the Leviathan Chronicler’s previous owners, a young eighteen-year-old named Alim Mehr, had been keen on learning about Norse mythology and a key figure, such as the god that killed one of Odin’s sons, was not one to be missed. Because Rasui loved learning about the human world, he himself had indulged in the fairy tales of the people of the north and found them comical, if not interesting. Loki has been a favorite anti-hero, yet there was that one little moment in the trickster’s biography that disturbed the Key. To shape-shift into a mare and distract a stallion, only to become pregnant and give birth when he himself was male, just so that giant could be distracted and the other gods wouldn’t pay it was a story Rasui tried forgetting and succeeded, until the moment he was given the name “Loki”. [quote=Kai][b]“There, ‘Blitz Sylph.’ That work for you?”[/b][/quote] The character on screen flinched when the boy’s words brought him back to reality. There was the possibility of this human not being aware of the events in the Norse god’s life, but he was a shut-in, thus the chances weren’t high. Rasui made a mental note for himself that either this child was trying to mock him, was giving an indirect message or hadn’t done his reading right. In either case, dealing with it would not be hard. [b]“Sure. Just fine.”[/b] the newly named Loki responded with a bit of unease. [b]“Just so we’re clear, I’m not giving up my other name.”[/b] he told him and vanished from the monitor. A small zap twitched above the phone and it lit up, unlocked. [b]“There’s not much we can really do here. Most of the info’s not inserted, since you haven’t logged in yet. But hey, you can look at my awesomeness~”[/b] Rasui spoke, now on the phone’s screen, and got the “Owned Keys” page out in the app. There was only one there and that was him, thus he promptly continued by opening his own page. [b]“See? Neat right? Psyche at 7. Sanity at 5. Speed and Agility at 6. Heck, even my Endurance is up! Consider yourself lucky. You could have gotten one of those wackos with low Sanity. I’ve got some amazing skills, too!”[/b] he ranted cheerfully, while displaying the page. [b]“All the info about you will be up when we log in. So, how about we do that. Get my key and unlock a door.”[/b] he told him and vanished, only to return a split second later. [b]“Just don’t unlock the bathroom door! No joking here! I’ve got bad memories from the last time that happened and, trust me, it wasn’t pretty!”[/b]