Arameus stood with his arms folded across his chest, "So those memories and visions...that was you inside my head", he inquired of the White Dragon with suspicion then continued, "I'm not too certain I like that, but now that you know my deep dark secrets, to what do I get in return?, what is it that you offer in regards to this bonding?". The White Dragon lowered her massive head level with that of the Knights and narrowed her crystal blue orbs, [And I'm not too certain, that I being a Dragon, would like bearing a human on my neck as if I were some common beast of burden, but yet here we are...And as for your deep dark secrets, the bonding as only yet to have begun, it will take weeks of training together to strengthen the bond so that we will be able to think and act as one and even then whatever thoughts you wish to guard will not become known to me, nor would I care to know such petty fetishes and lustful desires of a for what I time you will be able to wield the same magic in which I was born with, in time you will be able to be one within a group of fearsome warriors, the mere sight of us alone will strike fear and awe in our enemies, you will be the envy of all other men, and the most desired among all Tavern wenches] she concluded with a smug look then waited to gauge his reply. Arameus chuckled lightly, "You test me Dragon, from my thoughts you would already know I care not for the envy of men or to purposely seek the comfort and warmth of some Tavern wench to slake my lust", with that his expression turned to that of a disgruntled look and he continued, "As for magic, I am no Wizard and from the few I've seen that profess to be, I care not for magic, and its use only leads to the desire for more power and in the search for more power, the few I've seen have turned to the dark arts to satisfy their greed for more without regard for whom they injure in their quest". A slight grin of approval spread across the White Dragon scale jowls, [ Spoken truly Knight, that is why our bonding must be strong and true, so if that moment were to come, I would be able to decern your thoughts and put an end to such desire] again the dragonish grin returned with an added touch of malevolence. " Put an end to how?", came Arameus question with a perked brow. [ By using your bones to pick your flesh from between my teeth] the White Dragon spoke in thought rather matter of factly. with that the booming voice of Lord Merrik filled the Coliseum, [b]"My brothers, my sisters, I welcome you to the New Order of the Dragon Tamers. You will never return to the lives you once knew; everything has changed now that your souls have been reunited with their missing halves and your mortality has been exchanged for eternal life. You do not know it yet, but there is mana of old coursing through your veins, drawn from the magicks within the blood of your dragons. There is an endless amount of training and learning that must pass before we depart for the dark lord's tainted lands. And we have precious little time."[/b] Arameus eyes blinked several times as he listened to Lord Merrik...reunited?, missing halve?, eternal life?, mana?, Arameus had always known he was destined for greatness, or at least it was his hope in effort to honor his benefactors memory, suddenly he felt the White Dragons presences in his thoughts and an odd sensation of admiration. He turned his head to look at the White Dragon puzzled, the White Dragon, in turn feigned a scowl and beckoned him to pay attention to Lord Merrik, [b]"There are rules. Some are simple, obvious ones, and others are severe and pain me to ever have the need to enforce them. I suppose the most important rule, is that you don't get to run from this. You all knew what you were getting in to when you agreed to join me here today. You all know the effect of the dark sickness that is pouring over our lands. You all know that without us, there is no hope for Illos. And so, you cannot run, you cannot turn your back on the cause, you cannot betray the order. For if you do, the consequences of your actions will be of the highest severity...I only hope that I should never have the need to inflict punishment for such treason. I trust your hearts and minds are in the right place and that I, nor the Oracle, were mistaken in bringing you here. On a milder note; there are basic rules as there are in any army. You will train every day, your mind and your body will be in peak condition at all times. You will respect myself, Nova, and your fellow tamers. You will consult with me before trying anything new, this includes magicks, maneouvers, mixtures, etc. You will not, under any circumstances, move forward in your training before I say. The powers you've been given, the beasts you'll soon ride, it's all dangerous if not controlled and respected."[/b] After a brief moment of silence, the White Dragon was the first to speak, [ What Lord Merrik has just said is not for the weak of heart, the cause in which he speaks leaves no room to be taken lightly, too many lives and life as it is now will cease to exist should we fail simply because of negligence and therefore you shall be tested by his Lordship and myself, we will see if you are a Knight in thought, or a Knight by deed, Arameus Brantly] The White Dragons words stung him deeply and his hand went to the hilt of his sword before discretion could overrule valor, he removed his hand from the swords hilt but kept his gaze intensely focused on the White Dragons crystal blue orbs, bore himself straight and tall and proudly proclaimed, [i]"A Knight is sworn to valor, both in intent and deed: He avenges the wrong He defends the weak and innocent He fights with honor He never abandons a friend ally, or noble cause. A Knight's heart knows only virtue and honor: He always keeps his word of honor, He always maintains his principles, He never betrays a confidence or comrade, He avoids deception, He respects life His blade defends the helpless, His might upholds the weak, His words speak only truth, His wrath undoes the wicked, He lives his life so that it is worthy of respect and honor. A Knight is sworn to fair play: He will never attack an unarmed foe, He will never charge an unhorsed opponent, He will never attack from behind, He will avoid cheating, He will avoid torture. A Knight is sworn to nobility: He exhibits self discipline, He shows respect to authority, He obeys the law, He administers justice, He administers mercy, He protects the innocent, He respects women. A Knight is sworn to courtesy: He exhibits manners, He is polite and attentive, He is respectful of host, authority and women. A Knight is sworn to loyalty to his Gods, Sovereign, Kingdom, and the Codes of Chivalry. This Oath is my life and I will forfeit my life before I forsake my Oath...If we are to be bonded as one then so swear thee as well..and never question my loyalties again".[/i] Arameus watched as the White Dragon drew herself up to her full height before him, for a brief moment he half expected to be devoured until her thought entered his brain, [ It would be an honor to bond to you Sir Knight, and so swear I to your oath if it appeases your sense of honor and duty, as for me, my hatching was for not but this very cause and that which you have sworn to has been instilled upon my heart since birth, from this day forth, you may speak my given name...Alysia] Arameus let out a sigh of relief, then slowly drew his sword and held it across his palms and bowed at the waist, " My sword, and my allegiance are yours until victory or death in our cause to be rid of this sickness that spreads across the lands". Within that instant both Dragon and Tamer were engulfed in an aura of pure whiteness that imminentated from the White Dragon and flowed over Arameus, the bonding was niw completed.