Well this is my third try. Hope it's good this time. Human: Name: Edward Terrance Age: 200 years old. Appearance: [hider=Human Appearance] [img=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_medium/1/15558/622880-anime_guy.jpg] [/hider] Personality: Edward, most of the time is silent, responsible and takes things seriously; though sometimes he is carefree and playful. When in a serious fight, he is cold hearted and does not hold back. Clubs: Don't know for now, but he is the School's Librarian. Brief Backstory: Not much is know about Edward's background, only thing that is know was that it was about 200 years in the past that he made a contract with the Shadow Demon known as Rigen in order to save his life. Following this, Edward and Rigen have travel through the world learning everything they could, mostly due to their shared passion in knowledge. He currently serves as the school Librarian. Edward is able to talk mentally with Rigen at anytime while in his human form. Contract(s): Rigen Contracted Beings: Name: Rigen Type: Shadow Demon Personality: Rigen's personality is to be quiet, honest, and responsible; though sometimes he can be playful but in blunt as well. In a fight he can be even more cold hearted than Edward. Powers: What abilities do they grant the contractor without combining/being summoned? [hider=List of Powers] 1. Immortality- user does not die by natural means. 2. Invisibility 3. Limited Shadow Manipulation -Shadow Constructs: The ability to create shadow like objects, like a shadow sword, shadow claws, shadow armor. -Shadow Projection: The ability to project shadows in the form of energy blasts. -Shadow Force-Field: The ability to surround himself with a force field. 4. Eidetic memory 5. Limited speed boost [/hider] Fusion: How do they look when they've combined with the contractor? What powers do they have in this state? [hider=Fusion Form] [img=http://images.yuku.com.s3.amazonaws.com/image/jpeg/988164407d24b9d71c1f4dba50481230f51d8218.jpg] [/hider] [hider=List of Powers] 1. Shadow Manipulation -Shadow Constructs: The ability to create shadow like objects, like a shadow sword, shadow claws, shadow armor. -Shadow Projection: The ability to project shadows in the form of energy blasts. -Shadow Force-Field: The ability to surround himself with a force field. 2. Eidetic memory 3. Increased Speed and Strenght 4. Travel through shadows, only during the night. 5. Invisibility 6. Permanent Sword [/hider] Summon: [hider=Summon Form] [img=http://0.static.wix.com/media/9266ac_aeabafe2c8d507fc0f92e7d3818d29d8.jpg_1024] [/hider] [hider=List of Powers] 1. Shadow Manipulation -Shadow Constructs: The ability to create shadow like objects, like a shadow sword, shadow claws, shadow armor. -Shadow Projection: The ability to project shadows in the form of energy blasts. -Shadow Force-Field: The ability to surround himself with a force field. 2. Invisibility 3. Travel through shadows, only during the night. 4. Eidetic memory [/hider]