Luce sat quietly to herself watching the chaos unfold before her. Sadness overwhelmed her as the man spoke, only to be emphasized by the sense of hopelessness around her, evident in the words being exchanged. Quietly she stood, a bright aura of light surrounding her to bring attention to herself among the small crowd. "You." she addressed the old man with his back to the group. "You who have fought to protect this world for so long. You have lost the one thing that humanity holds onto: Hope. Hope is all we have left. The future is never set in stone. It may be just as corrupt as you say," she said, pointing to the Elemental who spoke first. "or it could be much better than that. If what this man says is correct, we need to act. We can have the final say over these Vygorns and truly [i][b]live[/b][/i]." Luce paused for a moment clearing her throat as a soft blush rose to her cheeks. She hadn't realized she'd been speaking for so long and that everyone was now looking at her. The light engulfing her began to dim as her words came to an end. "I'd like to change what is to come for the better. I hope that you all choose the same."