[center][B][U]Arkaeis[/U][/B] - [I]Avatar of the Living Abyss[/I][/center] In response to the man's words, Arkaeis smiled and then shook his head, eyes closing for but a moment before opening once more, though the action impeded his sight not at all. [B]"The other spheres are of little consequence, and I have no intention of removing them until I have attracted the attention of those who have disrupted the balance."[/B] Raising his right hand and letting his feet touch the surface of a building, Arkaeis manifested another of the orbs. [B]"The citizens are in little danger, it is this people's hierarchy that should worry,"[/B] he stated with the same smile, though a dark shine briefly passed over his pitch black, colorless eyes. He noted the man's posture and general demeanor. He seemed on edge, though that was hardly surprising, and as such Arkaeis did little other with the sphere which floated above his palm 'cept allow its form to shift and flow roughly in place. He would stay like this till otherwise necessary, likely depending on if the man decided to be hostile, which it appeared he would rather soon.