[Hider=Working on it] Name: Akrio Sakarta Age:17 Appearance: [URL=http://s3.zerochan.net/Vongola.Primo.Giotto.240.548121.jpg]Sometimes I wonder if I’m allergic to polen[/URL] Personality: Akiro is rather calm and silent, not because he is a total badass its more that he is shy. He is that guy that just happens to be there when you turn around, but then also seem to vanish without a trace. However he does talk and interact with others but not more then he has to. He does however have a huge thing for pokemon and wont shut up if you ever get him onto the subject. Clubs: What clubs (if any) is the character a member of? Brief Backstory: This will happen...sometime...someday... Contract(s): Robur the Ent Name: Robur Type: Ent Personality: Robur does not really speak much and does not like to talk to humans all that much, however he is bff with nature. Powers: Without being there Robur still makes (blank) slightly more durable and able to take a beating, he also smells like fresh leafs . Fusion: [URL=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/197/2/0/elder_ent_3_by_moonxels-d6dp4bz.jpg Sakarta]Oh look, birds[/URL] grows taller and stands at a raving 2,5 meters. He turns even more durable and gets a close relationship with nature (can understand animals and is very adept at using nature for healing and other aids) He smells like fresh leafs. However unlike Robur in his summoned for the fusion still holds the same nimbleness and reaction speed as Akiro Summon: [URL= http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/274/0/b/ent_by_darkdarius-d6nsn5t.png] Hmmm I think it might be spring[/URL] He is a tall treeman standing at about 4 meters tall. He is able to talk to the animals and the forest, he is very durable, but slow and lacks reflexes.[/Hider]