Though she slept the rest of the night away, she was pledged with dreams of being back in the forest. However she wasn’t the one running away, she was the one following someone else, they were running away from her terrified, for a reason she could not understand. It would take a few days, for the change to be complete, it was a slow change. The bright morning light shining brightly into her window was what woke Grace from her rather restless sleep, and she lay still in her bed for a few moments as she quietly recalled what had happened the night before in her head. Surely that was just a nightmare, it hadn’t happened. Grace’s room was quite large, it was painted a mixture dark purple and light green, her walls lined with paintings she had done in her lessons. Stretching she sat up to start the day as she always had, dealing with her elder sisters and lessons. When she looked down though the proof that it was not a dream was clearly there, the light pink dress she was wearing had tiny rips and was dirty from running in the forest. Her hair was tangled with twigs from lying on the cold forest floor, catching her reflection in the mirror and the bandage on her neck Grace got up slowly and headed towards her vanity. She started to pull at the bandage to look at the bite mark, it didn’t hurt as much as it did the night before, and the princess wanted to see the damage. Right as she started to pull it away the door to her bedroom opened causing her to yelp slightly in surprise and turn to see her sister Lilly, keeping her from seeing the fact that the bite marks had already started to healing on their own. Taking a calming breath she smiled. [b]”Good morning Lilly”[/b] She said softly, only to be met by an angry frown, causing Grace to sigh. [b]”How much trouble am I in?”[/b] [b]”You could have been killed Grace, if father hadn’t found you. Who knows what that beast could have had, now Valdamor is going to have to go slay it.”[/b] She answered with worry in her voice. The news that her father’s knight was planning on hunting and killing this beast was a surprise, and the princess felt….sad? Worried? Why did she not want this wolf killed? Seeing her sister tilt her head slightly at her silence, Grace finally sighed. [b]”I…I think I’m going to get cleaned up. Can you please tell farther I am awake for me?”[/b] She asked her softly and waiting for Lilly to leave her room to start getting cleaned up. She dug around in her dresser to find a new, dark brown dress to wear; as she changed she made up her mind though it was an odd choice. She was going to tell her father that it was the Minotaur that attacked her, driving them further away from the castle and hopefully save the men from the wolf. She put on her own necklace, which was gold and copper, luckily she hadn’t wore it last night or else she would have lost it. Which reminded Grace that she needed to sneak out again tonight if only to get her dagger, sighing at the fact doing such would not be easy, she took a brush and started to brush the twigs out of her hair.