Kenji moved back on the swing arching a brow as she started practicing her notes, it took a moment for him to realize she was warming up and leaned forward a little, nodding seeing her hit a high note. He admitted he was impressed there was no way he could hit a note half that and though he wasn't sure what to say to a mini-concert he was looking forward to at least attending one. Now that he was taking a moment to actually observe his surroundings he admitted that more time had passed then he thought, he didn't think it was too late but his concept of time wasn't necessarily the best so he could be off but the sun did seem a bit lower in the sky at least. Kenji turned his attention back to Aiko seeing she was about to start, he leaned forward folding his hands together waiting with anticipation, he held his breath and...nothing happened. He released the breath he was holding and looked over as his attention landed on Gregory, he arched a brow seeing he had found them instead but waved back with a small smile. Kenji motioned to the swing set next to him as Aiko spoke to Gregory presenting a seat for him before bringing his hand back to the chain of his own, he felt a knot in his stomach for a moment and brought his hand to it. His eyebrows twitched for a moment and he closed his eyes taking a moment to let it pass, once it did he let out a small sigh before looking back at Gregory. He didn't want to move from his spot but he knew he wouldn't be able to linger indefinitely if he was feeling like this, for the time being he would just push it down as he was positive there wouldn't be another opportunity like this. The pain aside he started to wonder if he should pick up takeout after seeing Gregory with some, he didn't want to cook when he got home. Regretfully he realized that wasn't an option as he had just paid for a meal and getting take out meant spending more of his money which he had little of now. "Come on and take a seat Gregory-san it's free ya know so no reason to turn it down," Kenji said raising a finger and winking at him. "Actually I think it's free I mean if Aiko's as good as she says there might be a listening fee...if that exists anyway." Kenji brought a hand to his chin for a moment, he was pretty sure that didn't exist but the other reason he didn't go to concerts was the costs. Now that he thought about it what he said was silly so he just waved his hand in front of his face dismissing the idea. "Never mind all that, go ahead Aiko-san." --- Breaker watched in silence as the doors opened deciding not to comment on Sonata's comment about friends, his guard remained up as he watched the doors fully open before his eyes landed on Seraph. The moment his gaze met hers he felt his guard start to drop as he wasn't expecting someone like that to be standing on the other side of the door, her outfit was extravagant and he was pretty sure she was glowing for a moment though that may have been the sun. She welcomed them unarmed which only made Breaker even less cautious as he stared at the beautiful women in front of him. Though his face remained blank his body language showed he wasn't as tense as he walked in, however he quickly regained himself realizing he was inside and his guard went back up especially when the doors closed. That shot came from this fortress and if she was owner of it that meant what hit that negative came from either her or her order which was enough to remind him not to get too drawn in. "I'm not sure I fully agree with your...friendliness after seeing what you did to that negative," Breaker said before Ironclad entered his vision. A sigh escaped from him as the man stood next to Seraph and he came to realize the two of them seemed to know one another, he was really starting to question his luck today. First he ran into Crisis Sonata, then he ran into Riot Lily and now he was in a fortress which doors were currently closed with Ironclad who even negatives seemed to avoid. He was starting to wonder if Seraph was some kind of trap, her radiating appearance causes a person to let their guard down then Ironclad steps out and just ruins their day, he seriously contemplated this possibility before Ironclad spoke in his normal manner. He closed his eyes regretting not just going back into the forest again but opened them when Seraph spoke to them. The two had a good balance at least he was willing to admit that as she came in and spoke to them formally introducing herself after Ironclad's...comment. Breaker stared in silence glancing over at Sonata as she spoke and drew his attention to Midwinter Envoy who he turned his gaze from immediately returning it to Seraph. Since she was being so hospitable which no one he encountered had done so, which caused him to glance over at Sonata for a moment he decided to return it. "Nice to meet you Quicksilver Seraph, my name is Fantasy Sky Breaker and she..." he trailed off motioning towards Sonata. "Can introduce herself." His attention moved to Ironclad for a moment before looking back at Seraph. "Yes I....know Ironclad," Breaker said deciding to just leave it at that. "Sorry I can't share in Sonata's enthusiasm but it's been a long day." He was also normally like this but he saw no reason to brig that up, and in the end he was actually relieved that someone was willing to help him out but he didn't let it show, once he was back home then he could fully relax and wind down. "Your help is appreciated," Breaker said. "I'm trying to get back home and the northeast exit of the forest is the route I normally take. Once out I can find my way home pretty easily, even without help I'll eventually be able to get home as a...landmark will present itself but repercussions will follow if I wait too long. In short yes I need to know which way is northeast." Though he said the majority of the sentence entirely in monotone he was serious about returning home and it showed in his eyes if anything else. "That and the sooner I find the exit the sooner I can get away from...other matters."