[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [b]Aliquam: The Tailor’s[/b] [i]"Nice choice, Moira. Looking to score some free drinks?"[/i] Moira strutted towards them, before doing a twirl. The range of dresses which were both petit and plus-sized was fairly small, but it helped if anything. Less to choose from. Especially if really, she had no idea what she was doing. In the end she just picked something which wouldn't inhibit her movement at all. And the corseted dress fit the bill. "Ey, if I can get this whole do for free then we're on a winner," she grinned. "What you reckon? Up for a challenge?" She sighed, putting a hand on her hip. "So you picked Estelle's dress out? This has gotta be good." [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] Syed meanwhile had managed to pick a slim fitting suit, which he showed quite awkwardly to Lucien while trying not to laugh at his hat and his awful pick-up lines. As much as Lucien really did look fantastic, he was kind of failing on the not laughing front. Still, he couldn't help but fiddle with his own outfit a little, trying different ties, adjusting the cuffs, deciding whether to wear his pendant over or under it or whether to wear a coloured or even black shirt instead of white. Even then... [i]"Now to find me a mask!"[/i] Trixie shot by in her purple dress, calling back to Lute. "Trix?" he asked, which caused the prankster to nearly trip as she came to quite the comical skidding stop. "I think my outfit's missing something too, don't you think?" There was a very brief moment of silence as she studied him. Like, [i]really[/i] studied him. Complete with loud [i]'HMMMMMM'[/i]s and [i]'Aaaaaaah'[/i]s. Then suddenly, a finger was thrust into the air! "You're just like Wonderboy when he went to sneak into the Molemen Crew!" Syed blinked. What on ddeaer? Was this a comic thing? It had been [i]decades[/i] since he last read a comic. "What?" But she was already gone, diving in between the rows of accessories. Completely out of sight. All he could hear was her scurrying about, the sound of her shuffling through the various things... he shrugged towards Lute, completely lost. "Who's Wonderb-AH!" She was suddenly back, wrapping her arms around his waist. At first he thought it was a random hug to complete the overall disorientating experiance, but as she withdrew he saw the sheer golden fabric of a scarf... complete with a horribly sloppy knot to his side which was already beginning to slide down. "There!" she exclaimed in triumph. And he had to admit, it worked. It wasn't exactly conventional, but what about him or any of the others was? "It's perfect..." he murmured, before turning back to Trixie. "I love it!" He clapped his hands together. "Come on then, let's try and find this mask," he grinned towards both her and Lute. [url=http://i.imgur.com/eG5G3L3.png]Sorted.[/url]