setting: In a little village called Avela, lives two young inseparable sisters. They lived in a sweet little cottage on the edge of the Forest, a place most villagers fear and avoid. It is said that if any villager goes into the forest, they are presumed dead, and forever lost. One night a frail old man shows up to their little cottage covered in wounds, he was limping and a cool red liquid was dripping from his side. He knocks on their door and Tilli tucks in her pointed ears than answers it. She immediately sees his wounds and calls out for her sister, whom runs in and helps assist him to a chair in their kitchen. Tilli helps the man remove his cloak and lifts his shirt to investigate the wound. He groans and she touches his forehead, which is extremely hot. She tells her sister she needs some fairiweeds, a type of herb that heals wounds and clots blood, and a shiverflower, a flower that cures temperatures. She quickly bandages his wounds and she and her sister run out into there garden to look for the two herbs. As Tilli and her sister are searching, they hear footsteps and look up to see a man with gold eyes staring down at them. He had a ghoulish grin, and his teeth were sharp and pointed. He smells the air and saliva pours out of his mouth. "sirenssss..." he breathes. The two girls stand up and back away and as they are about to turn to run the man grabs her sister. Tilli watches in horror as her sister struggles to break free from his grasp. The man bites her sisters neck and tilli hears a scream come from her sister. " Run tilli!!", her sister chokes. Tilli turns to run crying,she runs for her door and trips on her own feet. She chokes on her tears and attempts to stand up but can't suddenly a sharp pain hits her head and she passes out cold. She wakes up the next morning in her bed, rubbing her head. She stands up and calls out for her sister, whom is nowhere to be found. She finds the man on the floor in her living room, sleeping. She tries to shake him awake but it doesn't work, she feels his head which is still hot. Than suddenly remembers the night before and begins to cry out. She runs out to the garden to the place her sister disappeared and finds her sisters black choker hanging on a limp branch. She thinks to herself that there is no way her sister could of survived and she falls to her knees and cries out. Hours later she comes back into her cottage to find the man sitting on the chair from the night before. He's leaning over holding his side. She remembers that she was supposed to heal him, and runs back outside quickly grabbing the herbs than rushing to his side. She removes the bandages from the night before and cleans the wound again. She than finds her mortar and pestle and grinds up the fairiweed to a thick paste. She places the paste on his wound and watches as it soaks in the herbs and his skin mends together. She than takes a petal off the shiverflower and places it in his hand. "eat this," he slowly eats the petal, and his fever quickly left his body. "Thank you..." he said, surprise was in his voice. She nods than slowly stands and turns. "Wait, I can help you. Your sister is still alive," he informed her. "That's impossible that demon, he bit her and took her into the forest. No one survives the forest," Tilli explained. She began to cry . The man stands up. "If the demon wanted to kill her he would of broken her neck then and there, but he didn't he bit her. He has different plans for the young woman," He told her. "How come you know any of this?", she asked suddenly curious. "Because, I to have lost one in the forest, but they returned to me. They escaped, if the demon didn't kill your sister then and there than the demon has greater plans. If you learn the forest you can travel it, people have done it before, it's not impossible. my wife came home to me and she traveled great distances. All you have to do is find the dwelling of the demon who stole her, if you give up now though your sister will surely die," He warned her. He than bid her farewell and left without another word. She stood there thinking of all her options. If her sister lived she would need Tilli's help there was no way she could escape. If her sister died before she was found than the journey would be pointless. She stood there for awhile considering these two options and decided she would go after her sister. She gulped at the terrible thought. She went and grabbed her knapsacks and filled them with herbs from her garden and took her vials and placed them in a belt which she loosely tied around her waist. She filled a bag with nonperishable food, a blanket, and a water can, than placed that over her shoulder. She took her sisters choker and and put it on around her neck than forced herself out of her door. She starred out into the village and checked her ears making sure the points stayed behind her head. She knew without asking that no one would help her in this village everyone was to afraid of the forest. She slowly walked to the wall of the forest and took her first step in, not knowing what she was up against.