The suplex ended with a resounding crack, and the interference was dealt with. Having dispatched of his foe surprisingly easy, Fury stood and brushed himself off. With a moment of peace finally his there was time to take stock of his situation which wasn’t exactly tip-top. He was stood on a rocky platform above a webbed abyss, a large portion of his bones were fractured and some significant internal bleeding was simply to be expected. His foe was out there apparently fighting off Angar-Ryllan ships like it was going out of fashion, and Tablurath had his hands full with the Ice Fairy, who had manifested a great deal more power than he had earlier when Fury had used his abilities to judge his potential. That was strange, then again it seemed like everyone and their uncle could rapidly increase their strength around here, Fury included. Scouring the battlefield with a trained eye, Fury sought out Kanitah once again to conclude their business. The man was now impeding his ‘allies’ progress, which meant he had gone from a nuisance to a genuine threat and had to be eliminated. That would be easier said than done, even for a steadfast warrior like Fury, in his current condition. Regardless, considering the fight they had the Fireen was pretty sure the older warrior had to be feeling it to, so with a few more knocks there was no reason why he couldn’t put him out of business for good. He couldn’t see him of course, at least not in a conventional sense, but the energy signature of such a powerful foe was hard to conceal, especially when one makes no particular effort to do so. His eyes already drawn to one of the stricken ships, the one which obviously had not been interfered with by the Ice Queen (but was still impaired, even though airborne) who he hoped his ally was dealing with, there was no question that Kanitah was aboard and causing havoc. It was some distance away as well, and flying here wasn’t easy without consuming more energy than Fury could rightly afford burning away webbing and other obstructions. “The things I do.” Fury muttered, oddly wistfully, before diving skyward with a sigh.