Oddly enough back behind the girl a strange flashing of light began to flicker. Proceeding that came the sound of strained whirring and sputtering as if some sort of mechanical device were trying to claw its way back to life. Well, in fact, that was exactly what was happened. Her previously fried laptop was slowly coming back to life. The screen filled with white, a simple loading icon appeared and began to slowly filled with blue squares. [center][URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/RandomPhotoPlace/media/Gifs%20or%20Memes/tumblr_lyr9gkpYgw1r6yetao1_500_zps0413b0b2.gif.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/Gifs%20or%20Memes/tumblr_lyr9gkpYgw1r6yetao1_500_zps0413b0b2.gif[/IMG][/URL][/center] It only took a few moments before the entire bar filled with blue and flickered away. Leaving nothing but a white screen. But something could be heard. It wasn't the sound of the damp pieces fighting the throws of death. No, it was someone. They were.... groaning? "Ugh..." Came the sound as the white screen seemed to pan across the emptiness until suddenly it happened upon a strange looking man. He was darkly tanned and wearing a light colored outfit that was patched together with thick black string; a large bear fur wrapped around his upper torso. He was stretching; pulling his arms above his head before stretching his fingers down to his toes. "Damn. This place is much nicer. I can actually move around and stretch." He announced casually to no one other then himself. Turning his gaze he looked at the screen curiously. "Oh, there you are." She grinned. He then began to head towards the screen only to stop as the view came from his upper chest and upwards. He held a sharp jaw with prominant features. His hair was long and jet black, dark feathers scattered through his hair with bright red tips. Across his dark tan face and arms, really everywhere that wasn't covered by his outfit, had strange block like patterns of paint that were also a bright red. If the girl had ever seen a western movie she would definitely be able to recognize the Native American influence. The man remained silent for a moment, the pipe between his lips plumed a blue smoke that seemed to sparkle before dissipating in the air. Curiously he brought a head up to his head, extending a finger to scratch his forehead in confusion. [center][URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/RandomPhotoPlace/media/Resized%20Images/commission___smoking_bear_by_mwatsuki-d4lbbob_zpsc3e252ef.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/Resized%20Images/commission___smoking_bear_by_mwatsuki-d4lbbob_zpsc3e252ef.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] "Huh... So you're the one who bought me, eh?" He questions rather rhetorically. Of course she bought him, how else would he be here unless she bought him. But, wait. "Wait! Did you.." He trailed, gasping in an exaggerating manner. "STEAL me?!" He questioned rather perplexed and terrified. His horrified face than changed back to the uncaring expression after only a few moments. "Meh, I don't care either way. If I am here, that means my key is here. So if you'd be a doll and unlock a door with it. That'd be swell!" He gave a thumbs up with a wide, awkward smile. Before she could even make a move, or even ask a question he was off again. "UGH! Fine! If you insist! I will explain." With that he brought his fist to cover his mouth, with a cough to clear his throat he was ready to give his spiel. "Hey there Owner! My name is Bear! Not Salmon, iguana, turtle, or parrot.." He explained swiftly, with each animal he said he brought up the animal seemingly out of nowhere, tossing it over his shoulder before picking up and showing the next. "But Bear! Like these.." He said as he then produced a baby brown bear, holding it up by the scruff of the back of its neck. It dangingly cutely in a ball of fuzz, it blinking nonchalantly as if this were completely normal. "Bear. But bigger." Suddenly the baby bear in his hands extended his paws out towards the side as if reaching for something out of frame. Somehow the baby bear spoke in a childish voice. "Momma" Was all it said before Bear looked over in the direction with wide eyes. With a frightened yelp he dashed the other way, leaving nothing but a plume of smoke and the baby brown bear hovering in the air before physics returned and the fuzzy creature fell out of frame. Moments later Bears hand crossed the frame and dipped around the other side. As if pulling the frame over to himself to return him to the screen. "Anyway! Now that you know WHO I am. Better tell you WHAT I am. I am a Key. More specifically, that key." He said as he pointed over at the key laying on her bed. The one she had just received in the mail. "Think of me as a guide book with arms that can punch things." He smirked. "Now, are you FINALLY ready to head into the game?" He asked rather inpatiently.