Myn had been wandering for four days now, and he was quite hungry. He had been kicked out of a local tavern for brawling, and his response only gathered more negative attention from the locals. [i]You had to hit him didn't you. And it's not like you have enough money to pay the fine now,[/i] he thought as he strode through the forest, remembering the swift blow that he had delivered to a local guard for confronting him. [i]And now you're in the woods, alone, with Gods-know-what lurking behind every tree, hiding in every canopy. [/i] Soon Myn began to whistle an uplifting tune, taking a bit of joy in each step. Small pools of water behind him gradually accumulated into lapping freshwater waves that drifted just behind his ankles. He became so enthralled in his song that he didn't even notice the red-haired girl leaning on a tree just a few feet off.