[center] [img]http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/tumblr_mei7rqWCcH1r4qloho1_1280.png[/img] Valerik Mancini age 41 11/04/1104 Valerik does not like to deal with the problems of people and constantly drinks wine because he is literally surrounded by idiots all day. He got a job as a teacher 6 years ago and has to educate pompous brats who can barely control their magic. He puts up with emotional teenagers trying to see if he can teach the brats to think with their brains. Valerik's profession is important, however, because he can keep an eye on any student who seems to exhibit strong magic. For some reason, he usually ends up helping guide the students into choosing a profession he thinks they have potential in if they are uncertain about what to do. He does take his career seriously, and deep deep down, does enjoy teaching magic to young wizards. Of course, he only teaches those of noble heritage or wealth, and believes the poor are better off ignorant so that they will not be a problem. His magic is not the strongest, but he is very knowledgeable because he used to read a lot growing up. Valerik is one year younger than his cousin Bellerophon and they get along well because they usually studied magic together. Valerik is the one who taught Bellerophon how to transfigure things into gold and his necklace and bracelets were a gift from the prince as thanks. Since he was pretty good at teaching Bellerophon, he figured he might as well become a professor, since he did not know what to do with his life even though Valerik had always thought children and teenagers were annoying. He gets along well enough with his family and usually offers a drink whenever he thinks one of them is having a bad day. [/center]