Morning came, a yawn escaping the black werewolf as she shifted in her bedding. Opening her blue eyes, she rubbed her fingers against her muzzle at the cut that had been left there. Already the injury had healed and gone, though she felt her arm was still sore. Looking outside, she frowned a little as the sunlight shimmered against the water which concealed her cave. Her kind were not at their best in daylight, they drew their strength from the moon after all. At least they don't burn in sunlight like some particular vile creature so that was always a plus. Now, most days, she would be sleeping through the day to continue wandering at night. But, she would at least get a drink and a quick walk in. To make sure that Minotaur had left her forest. There were plenty of creatures in the world that man did not understand, but that doesn't mean she liked other dangerous company. Especially Minotaur's... They were just bull headed and temper mental. Hah, funny. With a snort, she got on her two legs and left her home to get a drink from the river. Zari then continued to wander the woods. Ears perked and nose up as her good hand held her injured arm. It was then she caught that human girl's faint scent. Slowly, she followed it to where it was perhaps strongest. Soon enough, she found a dagger stuck in a tree. Mhmm right... This was her only means of protection.. And that girl had managed to get it stuck. It made her ponder if the human would return for it. Most likely not, since that would suicidal after just about getting her throat ripped out. Yet why... Did Zari feel a little anxious? Hopeful maybe? Must be because she wanted to finish the human girl off. But that couldn't be it because surely news of the wolf had traveled among the other humans. Still... Perhaps for now, she would wait.. Leave the dagger be and see if that girl would return. The change was not to happen for quite some time. Maybe she should ease her possible new kin into the change? Mhmm don't know.. She would have to think on her next action if the human should return. --- Soon enough, the King entered his daughters chambers, smiling happily as he saw his beautiful little girl alive and well. [b]"Grace, my little girl I'm glad you have finally awoken."[/b] he spoke with a sigh of relief before looking at her sternly. [b]"Grace, I've told you to never enter that forest. Your little adventures among the castle walls, I could tolerate, but that forest could have been the death of you. There are reasons for all those songs and rumors."[/b] he scolded roughly before shaking his head and looking out the window thoughtfully. [b]"But that will end soon... I will have that beast finally skinned after this. No more harm shall befall us and the people will not have to live in fear. Grace, your the first to survive such a encounter if this was the beast. You must tell me what you remember... I know it may be hard... But it is for the good of the kingdom."[/b] He spoke, turning his gaze to look at her.