[center][b]Enzo[/b] I could feel her small hands running through the fur at the back of my neck. This dream had been going on for the longest time, and I wondered how much time had really passed in the real world. Only reason I knew it was a dream.. was because she was here, alive.. with me. I decided to enjoy it while it lasted, and pretend for just one more night that I still had the love of my life at my side. Suddenly her grip tightened on my fur and I winced in pain, whimpering to let her know it was hurting me. I blinked and as I opened my eyes to look in her direction the whole scenery changed and I was no longer beside her-- a crawler was clawing at my back and neck, trying to sink its teeth into me but only getting fur. Quickly standing to my feet, I shake it off and it flies a few feet away smacking into a tree. Of course, it's not dead, but I don't care. I grab my pack between my teeth and dart off in the opposite direction of the crawler. There was no telling how many more were nearby. It was almost dawn now. The sun was just coming over the highest ridge of the mountain ahead f me and the sky was tinted beautiful pinks and oranges. The clouds however, looked like they were on fire. Another great memory. [i]She[/i] was always making me look up at the clouds, to see the good and the beautiful in the world when there was nothing else left. I lost myself in that moment as I ran without stopping, not knowing where I was really going.[/center] [[ OOC:: I don't know what to do with Daniella yet.. ]]