Ariel sneered at Tina and her grin became wider and more wicked. "Heh, you're not exactly the brightest, are you Tina? Hehe, then again, I guess it's only fitting for a pig like you to die like swine." Ariel lashed suddenly, shaking of her captors and lunged out at Tina. Giggling, she extended her arm and gave one small touch to her neck. "Bitches like you...just need to drop dead!" She waited for the near instant death to occur. Now it had to be clarified that although Ariel was in fact the Angel of Death, she was still just a child, no older than the earth itself. This meant that she had still yet to unlock her full potential. She was far from being omnipotent. So when Tina have Ariel a confused look, she stared right back at her with a blank expression herself. Why...why wasn't she dead? "Wha-" She was cut off as Tina swiftly recovered and landed a well placed punch right in her gut. Spluttering, Ariel collapsed to her knees as the girls surrounding her began kicking her in the sides. However, the pain was nearly non-existent as only one thought played back over and over in her mind. What happened? Why didn't Tina die? What...was going on? Finally registering the assault on her body, Ariel curled over to try and avoid the blows. She couldn't help but yelp though as Tina lifted her by the hair until they met face to face. "What was that? A love tap? I get the feeling that you're nothing but shit, transfer student. Some freak with a thing for sluts." She showed Zendra her captive's pathetic form. "Here's your almighty guardian sweety. Powerless." Raising her fist up, Tina reared back to finish it off. Ariel's eyes widened as a new emotion was seen reflecting off her crimson orbs. Fear.