Chewing on her lip Vee simply nodded as he spoke, before flushing a light red when he asked her the same question. "Well, to put it as one of my brothers dose. I'm crazy." She said shrugging her shoulders. Rubbing her purple knuckles, she sighed before looking back at X. "Doctors say I'm a schizophrenic. I don't know how I became one, but here I am." Vee said looking back down at her feet as they rolled the skateboard back and forth. "I'm on enough meds and been to enough shrinks to handle the problem for now. But, mom and dad said this would be a great way to get new friends that I've lost" Resting her elbows on her knees Vee ran her fingers through her hair. "I thought this was just going to be a huge waist of time," Blushing a bit she turned to look X in the eye again, "But, it might not be all bad."