She could not believe that three months ago she had been a normal girl with normal teenage angst, nothing major and now here she was, fifteen and two months pregnant. By force, no less. She should have never let her so-called best friend talk her into going to that party. What had she been thinking? Now here she was with a horrible secret that she had only revealed to her brother. How much would she be willing to tell this group? Would the support leader tell her parents? Walking into the support group room, Alice looked around. She twisted her red hair around her fingers and looked for a place to sit. Finding a couple of empty chairs, she went and set down. Part of her wished that nobody would notice her, speak or ask her why she came. Of course the group was for talking about their problems, so she knew she'd eventually have to talk. Alice pressed a hand to her flat stomach and leaned forward in her seat, looking down at the floor. Her curly hair pooled around her face. --- As soon as Jase walked into the room, his eyes widened at the amount of people attending. He did not do well in big groups of people and hated making small talk. People who made small talk did not really care about the other person. What good would this group do for him anyway? He did not really have a "problem" per say. His parents were just freaks who thought therapy could cure his gayness. 'Well there you go, your problem is your parents,' he told himself. 'I guess also the depression and social anxiety... but my parents are the source.' He sighed, dropping his backpack into a empty seat. He pulled off the stupid "all American boy" looking jacket his parents forced him to wear, and pulled out his favorite black hoodie from his pack. He pulled it on over the baby blue t-shirt he wore. His parents were really strict about image and hated his dark clothing. If his father did not already physically abuse him for being gay, Jase would parade around in a dress just to make them angry, but knew he could never go that far. He set down between a girl playing cards and a timid looking redhead who was currently hiding beneath her hair.