Jin's eyesight shifted from an empty corner of the roof, to an Asian kid who'd sat down beside her. She gave him a wary look, before looking back to her cards. "Nice hoodie." She muttered, and he probably wouldn't have even heard it if he hadn't been sitting next to her. Her hands automatically ran through the cards, flipping and shuffling. She was soothed by the familiar sound. In her head, she was wondering what some of these people were doing here. They all looked so... average. Okay, the girl with the oxygen tank had some serious issues, and there was an angry looking blonde chick who looked like she wasn't too happy about being stuck here either. Most of them, however, looked so damn normal. She could tell by the make of their clothes that they were all rich enough to buy that kind of needless bullshit and not think twice. Honestly, what kind of problems could you have if you could buy a $60 t-shirt with some logo splashed on it? She felt her hands fumble, distracted by her annoyance. The cards scattered everywhere, all over the floor. "Dammit..." She knelt to start scooping them up, and as she reached out, she saw her hand tremoring faintly. Grunting, she squeezed it into a fist until the shaking stopped, before she started to scoop up the cards.