Alright! Took me a while, but I finished my character! Also, hurray for being first! Sort of! [hider=Evangeline Bellini]Name: Evangeline Bellini; 'Eva' Age(15-18) : 17 Appearance: Eva has long blonde hair reaching down to about her chest, and bright green eyes that always seem to be focused on something or other. Usually wearing rather light clothing relative to the current weather, as she prefers the cold. Personality: Eva is rather soft-spoken, but not necessarily shy. She always has a somewhat calm air about her, and tends to act as a voice of reason to her friends, often guiding disputes to peaceful resolution. Strangely, while she doesn't act emotionally distant, none of her friends can really recall a time when she got genuinely worked up over something. They've never seen her get angry or depressed, but have also never seen something really overjoy her. Regular or Witch: Regular History: Eva moved to Haleton with her mother when she was 12 years old, and initially seemed much more withdrawn than she does today. Over time, the issue seemed to grow less and less, and she settled into her current self. Tends to speak in vague language when someone asks about her life before she moved to Haleton. Extra: Often seen with an earbud in only one ear, which is always playing soft classical music.[/hider]