[IMG]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/117/6/9/hawkeye_2_by_andouhayate-d4xt3h0.jpg[/IMG] Player Name: Kal-El Character You Wish To Play: Clinton “Clint” Barton Hawkeye Earth’s Mightiest Marksman Moral Alignment: Hero Affiliation: X-Men(Formerly)/SHIELD Character Origin & Backstory: Clinton “Clint” Barton was born to Harold and Edith Barton alongside his twin brother Charles “Barney” Barton. Their father was none other then the criminal Trickshot. As soon as the boys could walk, their training in archery and marksmanship began. Trickshot’s goal was to train his children to become master criminals like him. Whilst Barney enjoyed everything his father taught him, Clint could not help but think otherwise about his father’s intentions. At age 7, Clint’s mutant abilities manifested themselves when the young boy notched an arrow in the center of an apple. A boy his age would find such accuracy impossible but Clint’s mutation allowed him accuracy beyond his age. Twelve years were spent training under their father. Twelve years left Clint wondering if this was right. Things he would hear from his mother. The way his father would treat him as a mutant, like he was only a weapon. Clint knew it and Barney did not want to believe him. They butted heads until violence spilled into their training one day, the very day that Clint planned to run away. Arrows met head to head in a vicious archery battle. That day Clint heard his brother scream out in agony as an arrow pierced his shoulder. That was the very moment that changed everything between them and Clint ran faster then he had ever ran before. He never looked back and hoped that he would never have to. Clint spent an entirety of three months on the run to find a better life for himself. From various sources, he had learned about the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. A place where he could go. Even with the money that he held from his mother, Clint knew that he could not survive on his own. Clint hitched hiked upon a circus train and made his way to New York. Archery skills helped with the masses which gained him room and board until the end of his trip. Helping the circus came to an end nine months later when they arrived to New York. The young boy found his way to the Institute to begin a new life. The young archer arrived to the front door of the institute and was met with open arms by Storm and Prof. Xavier. A feeling of safety washed over Clint as he settled into his new life. Everyone was kind and friendly. It brought a smile to his face that he had never known. Over the next year or so, Clint was skeptical on the things going on in the mansion. Well that was until Xavier brought him and other young mutants to a training room. Under the guidance of Xavier, Logan, and Storm, the young mutant began their training to grasp the potential of their powers and possibly join the X-Men one day. Logan noticed that Clint was horrible without his bow nor was his reflexes as refined as they should have been. He was slow to avoid attacks and it was easy to put Clint on his back when his bow happened to fall or he ran out of arrows so, Logan took it upon himself to make Clint one of the few that he personally trained in the martial arts and acrobatics. Logan was right in choosing Clint for Clint's potential for learning was quite impressive. A bond formed between the two similar to father and son but more close to student and master. Many years passed as Clint grew better at his training and academy studies. The years spent in the academy brought him closer to everyone especially Kitty Pryde. Even so, he was never used much on the X-Men team which helped push the idea that he didn’t feel right being here. He possessed a different mind-set which grew when received a letter. Friends were left behind and his relationship with Kitty came to an abrupt end. The letter had told him to meet at a specified location and help in stopping the man known as Trickshot. This situation would lead to his meeting and inevitable joining with SHEILD. The one eyed director of SHIELD named Nick Fury and his agent Black Widow were the ones that had sent the letter. Clint had been called to them to help take down his father and brother. Nick knew all about his connection to Trickshot and that he would be a brilliant decoy to bring out the criminals that held the volatile chemical that was stolen. The brilliant plan went off without a hitch until Barney figured that Clint had to be lying to them. Fighting and chaos ensued between Hawkeye, Black Widow, Trickshot and his gang. Unfortunately this battle ended with Hawkeye having to make the difficult choice of putting an arrow through his father to save Black Widow. Hawkeye lamented what he had to; ensuring to himself constantly that it was the right thing to do which Nick Fury and Black Widow both assured him. As time passed, Clint still mourned his actions but he never let them get in the way of things he needed to accomplish. Black Widow called on his help more often which led to Neck Fury finally realizing how much help that the Earth’s Mightiest Marksman could be. Within a year, Clint began working as an agent of SHIELD and the next remaining years would see Hawkeye going on many missions, falling for Black Widow, and meeting a young girl that would undoubtedly change his life. [hider=Powers and Abilities] Aerial Adaption - Due to his mutant power, Clint is able to withstand extremely high/low air pressure (one isn't disoriented or deprived of normal breathing capacity by it), and high wind friction. Superhuman Eyesight - Clint’s mutation gifts him with eyesight on par with a hawk. He can see five times farther than the best human. By having retinas that are more densely coated with light detecting cells called cones then he possesses an enhanced power to resolve fine details plus his eyes act like a telephoto lens, giving him extra magnification in the center of his field of view. This gives him an unheard of level of accuracy. Superhuman Hearing - His sense of hearing is similarly enhanced, allowing him to both hear sounds ordinary humans can't and sounds that they can but at much greater distances. Superhuman Agility & Reflexes - Hawkeye has shown to have the great agility and reaction time, notably because his bones are completely hollow while he has a similar muscle mass than a normal human of the same body weight and almost no body fat. The result is that he is far lighter than he should be, which allows him great evasiveness. An example is when he is able to dodge multiple gunfire from an automatic weapon. This also attributes to his amazing ability to re-actively shot bullets out of the air and perform extreme acrobatics. Peak Human Physical Conditioning - Clint possesses the the peak capacity for a human to attain without drugs or programs. He engages in regular intensive exercise daily to keep his body intact. Master Archer - Clint is a marksman of unimaginable accuracy. He is extremely adept at the use of the bow and arrow. He has shown to be capable of firing multiple arrows in only a couple seconds and hitting a small target from a far distance. Perfect Marksman - With his virtually unerring accuracy, Clint can hurl objects with great speed in both direct aim and complicated rebounds/interactions. Trick Shot also trained Clint with throwing blades, balls, bolas, and boomerangs. Master Acrobat - Hawkeye’s hollow bird-like bones, combined with his training from wolverine as an aerialist and acrobat, makes him able to complete complicated maneuvers far surpassing the greatest human acrobat. Expert Martial Artist - Clint is also a martial arts expert due to training from Wolverine. Clint has been trained in Japanese martial arts and is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant. He has been trained in blind fighting as well.[/hider] Equipment: Trick Arrows - Hawkeye uses a wide variety of arrows, many of which are custom-built with devices to enhance their effectiveness in crimefighting. Hawkeye's quiver has the capacity to carry 50 arrows. Fifteen of the 50 arrows have standard target-point arrowheads, 10 have 3-bladed broad heads, and the remaining twenty-five have various custom tips. Hawkeye has recently developed a modular arrowhead system whereby certain custom arrowheads can be attached to the shafts of any standard target-point arrow to convert them for special use. These arrowheads are stored in a compartment that revolves in the bottom of the quiver. Although. Some of Hawkeye's more technological custom arrows were designed and built by SHIELD. Hawkeye himself designed the majority of his custom arrows. To aid Hawkeye in locating the appropriate arrow with speed and accuracy, he has not only arranged the arrows in his quiver in a set pattern, he has also notch-coded the hock of each arrow so he can tell by touch which arrow he is drawing. Hawkeye is constantly modifying his arsenal of arrows. [hider=Trick Arrow Types] Acid Arrows Adamantium Arrows (often combined with Electrical arrowhead) Blast (Explosive) Arrow Blunt Arrows Localized Nuclear Arrow (Only has 1) Bola Arrows Boomerang Arrowhead (allows an arrow to return to shooter) Cable Arrow (allowing him to swing through the air) Electrical Arrow Flare Arrow Magnesium Flare Arrow Magnetic Arrowhead (adheres to metal surfaces; can be added to other arrows) Net Arrow Putty Arrow (adheres to rough surfaces, and can stop exposed machinery) Rocket Arrowhead (boosts range, can be added to other arrows) Smoke Arrow Sonic Arrow Suction Cup Arrowhead (adheres to smooth surfaces; can be added to other arrows) Tear Gas Arrow Thermal (Incendiary) Arrow USB Arrow (to remotely shutdown computer systems) Vibranium Arrow (must have supplement Magnetic, Putty, or Suction Cup arrowhead to stick to target; deadens kinetic and vibratory energies)[/hider] Sample Post: "CLING!" "CLING!" Arrows collided against each other on the top of the construction yard. Hawkeye darted from his cover, keeping his eyes on the rival archer in purple. Whistling pierced the air and Clint's ears, thanks to his super hearing, almost instantly. A arrow soared toward Hawkeye like a missile that was effectively countered by him with his own arrow. "I see you haven't lost your touch, Barney." Hawkeye mocked his twin brother's aim despite it being relatively on a lower tier then Hawkeye. Regardless of Clint's superhuman abilities, Barney had always been one step below. That is why he took after his father's namesake and challenged Clint at every turn. Title for Earth's Greatest Marksman was the prize that he sought to steal away from the younger of the twins. "I was always better then you. Just like Kate will be." Barney responded whilst leaping into a somersault. In the very arc of his somersault the rival archer pulled out an arrow with a larger head. The sound of the arrow moving from Barney's quiver alerted Clint that it was best to act now. Pivoting around the beam that he was heading behind brought the his eyes directly upon the arrow. His eyesight magnified on the head, using his knowledge of the arrows that Trickshot was known for using then this arrow was an explosive arrow that would rupture that arrow with it's force. The arrow flew from Trickshot's bow with intent on harming Hawkeye; someone such as Hawkeye would not be stopped by such a thing as long as he could fight back. First Clint gripped two arrows from his quiver with the same arrowheads before running forward. Secondly he leaped into the air as gracefully as a bird taking flight. Lastly he released his arrows at his brother in hopes that his plan would work. Both arrows struck the ground in front of the Barney, creating a huge smokescreen that robbed Trickshot of the very sense he needed to be an archer. A second of silence passed that brought Barney on edge. Suddenly from the smoke came imposing figure of Clint. A kick to the face sent Barney reeling back in surprise. The Barton brothers continued their fight with Barney on the losing end. He couldn't keep up with his brother's reflexes nor his formidable hand to hand ability. Soon Barney found himself on his back with Clint pointing at his face with an arrow notched in the bow. "Always on the mark." Hawkeye commented on his ace skills in archery compared to Trickshot.