Hadrian smiled as he took the large boar he had been training with attampted to bum rush him. Though he was distracted, there match had taken it's toll on the beast. sending a straight punch to the hog's nose. The shock to the beast alone caused to to stumble back after a moment, the fist of his his foe left in its place. As the monster fell over hadrian whipped the blood of his new found meal to the ground with a swift punch. though it wasn't much a challenge it was the perfect way to end the day. He smiled as he looked to the now deserted boar. It seemed limp and after poking it with a stick he knew it would be ready to eat. Drooling as he grabbed the large hog he thew it over his shoulders and began to walk home. He had lived in the forest for around 4 years, and after a large curve of events it had become soothing. Many would call Hadrian himself a demon of the forest for the unhumanly possible strength and ability, but to him it was a given. Humming playfully as he mossied on his merry way Hadrian stopped when he though he saw something he missed for so long outside the forest. Looking down he had to rub his eyes in disbelief. A girl was there, clearly attempting sleep he had to smile as he nudged her with his foot, sharply looking around feeling the presence of another. Smiling at the girl attempting to hold in the amazement that such a beautiful woman could be found in his territory, if he was not the man he was her body would be ravished in a second. He looked at her with his deep sunken eyes as he looked off to were the hermitage the fighter was stay was near.