[b]Shio[/b] "I appreciate your acknowledgement of my abilities," Shio responded, bowing slightly to Kasumi as her Kujaku landed on the ground next to her. She retrieved the pocket knife she had flung at Kasumi, flipping the blade back into the handle and storing it at her side. "Your Hydromancy made it difficult for me to employ my usual strategies. I will have to train harder," Shio added, trying to return the compliment, but coming out in her awkward fashion. Despite the fair amount of physical exertion, Shio didn't seem at all phased by it. Her breaths remained even and there was almost no visible sign that she had preformed any kind of physical activity. It was a testament to her training - and her body's overall fitness level. Kasumi had been surprisingly agile, coupled with a high degree of technical skill, which was unusual in Shio's opponents. The utilization of Hydromancy did pose some interesting problems in the future that Shio would have to figure out a solution to. Without an ability to see through the mist, there would be problems should she face another Hydromancer of Kasumi's caliber.