Zendra watched from the ground as things started going wrong, all she wanted was to be happy and just as fast as it came it was looking to be fading, she was confused why tina was unmoved by Ariel, and even more when she decked Ariel and the girls swarmed, slowly getting to her feet holding her side tears rolling down her face as tina went to attack. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Zendra jumped onto Tina's back before she could attack and just as fast as she jumped on she was flung of and tossed against the wall hitting it with a hard thud Tina smirked and turned back to Ariel "she is devoted I give you that much, to bad it wont be for much long freak" once again went to attack but before she could attack again something grabbed her arm. from where Ariel was she could see a whip grab and wrap around it wrist of Tina and start to glow red Tina shocked by what was going on turned back to see Zendra standing behind her hair turned fire red and eyes glowing yellow "you stand there smug....I stand in judgement" Tina was not sure what she was looking at as she tried to free her arm from the whip Zendra was holding only for it to splinter and wrap around Tina's neck. "My host was not to know of me.....but you forced my hand you worm.." as Zendra walked closer leaving ash and smoulder where she stepped Tina was jerked back closer and closer, the others stopped their attacks and stared as Zendra walked closer, soon she was in front of Tina who was now on her hands and knees like a dog and Zendra's whip was her leash "now...speak of who you are truly" she demanded of Tina her eyes looking to Ariel, Zendra was not there in the eyes that looked at her.