God, there were so much creatures around them. But she was very amazed of how Yukimura fought, she hasn't seen that type of fighting around here. He was confident, strong, and pretty fast. And he seemed like he wasn't as terrified as she was. Lily saw him clearing a path for her and standing infront of her all protectively. It was so ... sweet and gentleman of him, yes she blushed a little staring at him. Why would he do that? Snapped out of it, Lily got back to her serious face and nodded towards Yukimura. "Alright!" she said concentrating and listened to the counts carefully. '3!'. As soon as she heard it, she did what her party member said, take the ones on her end while he finishes the stronger ones. Lily's rapier turned pink as she used her speed running her weapon through their virtual hearts stabbing them all, as she made it to the other side, no cut or anything. As sparkles sorrounded Lily. "Hahaha." She laughed admiring what she did. "Wow..." Lily said seeing Yukimura fighting. "He is really good....who is this guy?"