Dropping down, Ariel gasped as she attempted to regain her breath. Da...damnit! These girls...they would pay! She'd rip them apart. She'd tear out their entrails and boil their blood. She'd make their skulls into flower pots. All these dark thoughts and more flitted through the angel's mind as she propped herself on her elbows and looked up to glare at Tina. What she saw instead only made her more confused. Zendra had some sort of....fire hair. Her eyes were different, her voice radiant with newfound confidence and authority. And her weapon of choice...Ariel couldn't hide a blush as she took a closer look at it. Was Zendra a demon all along? As the fire driven girl stood over both her and the now tamed Tina, Ariel blinked at her words, thinking the demand was for her. "Who I am truly? I am Ariel. The Angel of Death. Zendra..." Her eyes were wide with curiosity. "Who...are you? Are you still Zendra?"