[center]A week ago - School Library[/center] "Look at her; she thinks she is so high and mighty. Little Miss Ice Queen too good to talk to people who are not part of her Freak Squad." The girl talking was a cheerleader wannabe from a grade higher than Nixie. She dressed like she was sixteen not thirteen and rumor had it, she had already started dating by the time she was ten years old. Nixie was 11 and still thought most boys were stupid. She kept her nose pressed in her book, ignoring the other, barely even flinching when the girl got closer to her and touched her bare shoulder. "Ouch! And she is even cold as ice! What a weirdo." The girl rolled her eyes and her and her friends started to laugh. Nixie pressed her nose closer to the pages in her book. She knew her skin had an unnaturally freezing temperature, but it was not so cold that it would hurt someone. People are so dumb. [center]Present Day - Haunted House [/center] Around her friends, Nixie was really energetic and usually went with the flow. She was more of a follower, but nobody seemed to mind. She was the baby of the group and the smallest. She looked around the entrance of the so-called haunted mansion and narrowed her eyes. Sure, it was dark, and she felt a strange chill swirling through her veins, it felt like ice. It did not bother her much. She preferred the cold over anything else because of her condition. "Did anyone else notice a weird icy feeling?" She walked over to a floor length mirror that was hanging on the wall. The mirror was oddly lacking dust. Had somebody been through here recently? Nixie looked into it and jumped when she saw a crow take off from behind a shelf and fly out of a broken window. She spun around, hoping it had been something that happened for real and not something that just happened in the mirror. Rubbing her hands together nervously, she chuckled. The stair banisters caught her eye. The stairs that led up to another story were very eloquent looking and she could imagine what they must have looked like when this place was brand new. There was what looked like red carpet on the stairs, but it was so stained and tattered, that it was hard to be sure of the color. "Maybe we should find a bathroom. Do you think there is even running water?" She twisted up her noise at the idea of the smell if they all went to the bathroom and could not flush the toilet. Ew.