Jin paused in her recapture of the cards, looking up at who had addressed her. She was immediately wary- she knew the smell of pot from years on the streets. Some people just couldn't handle the pain, so they got high to get away. This guy's shoes alone would probably buy a whole street meals for a month, and the rest of his clothes were no better. And then, he opened his mouth, and Jin felt revulsion so strong that she actually wanted to vomit. Preferably all over this asshole's overpriced sneakers. "Get your stinking fingers off my possessions before I commit regicide in front of all these people." Her dark gaze was intense, and her voice was low, almost a growl. This guy was the worst of all of them. Ten seconds in, and he'd already insulted her. "I got a name, but you probably don't give a fuck, do you? I'm not going to get anywhere near you unless it's to lift your wallet or shove those kicks so far up your dumb butt you'll have to tie your laces with a toothbrush. Back. Away."