[b]Nicki[/b] [b] Either Nicki was so high, he was hallucinating, or this girl was really messed up. [i]"Damn baby, relax I was just being friendly."[/i] Nicki gave her the cards, he started to laugh [i]"What the hell is regicide?"[/i] Nicki sat down next to her, [i]"And do I want to find out?"[/i] Nicki liked girls who knew how to defend themselves and talk back. He doesn't like the easy girls who just give in to any wannabe off the streets. Nicki knew that this girl would be a challenge to crack, but he was King Nicki, nothing was to difficult to him. Nicki would find someway to get this girl to be nice to him, it would just take sometime. And by look that she's giving him, it would take a hell of a lot of time.[/b]