Jemini got to work quickly once the two guards dropped; Alexis followed close behind once he heard one of the guards shriek out in surprise and checked all three doors for any outside activity. After confirming that no one was coming to investigate, he went behind the structure to talk strategy, motioning for the team to follow and grabbing the ruined helmet along the way as he waited for Jemini to patch herself into the enemy communications network. “Alright you lovely bunch of psychopaths, we have a small window of opportunity in order to execute our mark. We can extend it if Jem there can get herself into the network and if our shifter friend here can properly imitate the two guards’ voices.” Alexis projected a holographic of the map the Terrarial H.A.K.E.S.A.T.H provided the team onto the floor in front of him through Apollo. “Our least likely path of resistance will be staying close to the southern part of the facility eliminating anyone we see along the way. Now assuming we get to the Marshall without a hitch, we’re inevitably going to be caught there so we’ll need to take out the mark quickly and efficiently.” “Luckily, our Great Overlord has so kindly provided us with a weak point in the Marshall’s armor. Through our current entrance we have a three door entrance into the mark’s room so we’ll do a three pronged frontal attack; three guys will go through each door and attempt to open the faceplate any way they can. The rest of us will follow soon after and surround the room once the Marshall’s distracted and focus on taking him down.” “By then there’s a high possibility that they’ll be looking for us so we’ll exit through the northern part of the facility and loop back around to the extraction point. We’ll be flying out hot so we’ll need Cyborg here to be on top of her game once we get there.” At this point Alexis clicked off the map, gathered the two bodies, and after finding some rope, quickly blindfolded and hanged the two dead bodies. “Remember, we also need to make an example of the defectors. Treason shall not be rewarded. Sound like a plan Ephemeral?”