"Uh thanks..." Jase murmured when randomly the girl playing cards told him he had a nice hoodie. He could not tell if she was being serious or if she was making fun of him, then again, he could never tell the difference between the two. He couldn't help eying her a little bit longer than necessary. Something about her features were familiar. He quickly looked away so that she would not get the wrong idea. He usually tried not to pay attention to other people's conversations, especially while they were fighting, but he could not help but snort when the high kid asked what regicide was. He pressed his hand against his mouth and looked away from them. Maybe they would just think he was crazy. His parents did, so why not these random strangers, too. But seriously? How could he not know what regicide was? That was like second grade stuff. Whatever. Jase noticed a card on the ground that was sticking out from the leg of his chair. The others did not seem to notice. He looked down at it and smirked. How fitting. He wondered if he should risk picking it up and giving it back to the girl. But before he could give it back, the redhead who seemed to be oblivious of the whole fight lifted her head and saw it. She bent down and picked it up before Jase could give her a warning. Still holding a hand to her cramping stomach, she got up from her seat and passed Jase and held it out for the girl to take. "You've dropped your black King card. The corner got a little bent under the chair leg." Before the other girl could respond, a panicked look crossed Alice's face. Not this again. She dropped the card and turned and ran out of the room, hoping she would find a bathroom in time. 'Oh,' A light bulb went off in Jase's head. He put his backpack on the girl's chair so that nobody would take it.