[b]Nicki[/b] [b]Leaving the girl alone, for now, Nicki turned his head to the Chinese looking boy. There wasn't anything that looked out of place about him, no black rings around his eyes from being up all night, from paranoia, no symptoms of any sickness, he didn't look like the type to get into fights. [i]"Wassup? I'm Nicki, you don't look like the type to be in this place."[/i] When Nicki feels sober he notices things more then usual. The Chinese boy looked nervous, Nicki wanted to figure out why he was in this place. [i] "Why someone so innocence as you, in a place like this... with us delinquents of society.?"[/i] Nicki didn't; want to be nosy or anything, but the guy seem lonely and Nicki wasn't a jerk, he was just a stoner, drug dealing, gang banger. Besides the more friends he had in this place, the more connects he could make with his drug dealing business. Nicki wanted to be the first drug dealer to make it in mainstream society, and not get caught.[/b]