Kjolmar moved out of the way so that Nobody could see the view. "Cyborgs, a lot of them." They seemed to be patrolling the area as if they were in an upcoming war. Kjolmar frowned. "Something's wrong. Why can't they detect our presence?" he wondered out loud. Cyborgs were known for their build-in Carrier-detectors. Suddenly some sort of beam hit them from the back. There was their answer. They did detect them, they just hadn't shown it. So much for being mindless. Kjolmar saw everything become dark before his eyes. When he woke up, he found himself in a cage in a building, surrounded by scientists. He realized he had been captured like so many Friskians (and probably Midizians too) had been before him. He remembered the rumors about the experiments and started to panic. When he grabbed the bars of the cage, he felt an immense pain in his hands so he quickly let go. "Don't try anything funny." one of the scientists said. "Those cages are well prepared for the likes of you." Where was Nobody? Had they captured her too?