[center][img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v633/Ghurdrich/a7c71799-b017-4f59-822e-3fdc920bbb62_zps369ee76a.jpg][/center] So it was to be Candra, then...? The Valkyrie rolled the name around in her head for a minute while her master rambled on about breakfast and other things. The name reminded her of the word 'Candor,' which meant openness and honesty. It suited her. The more she repeated it in her head, the more she liked the name. Her Master was to be 'Lucky Sun.' Sophie was her name in the real world. With equal parts loyalty and something akin to worship, the Valkyrie committed these names to memory. She took in the name change commands and altered her own identity to match. Candra's head started to spin as Sophie went on and on, and she was just able to hang on to the bit about the Key Shop app. Self-consciously she realized that she had sounded similarly wordy during her own introduction. Lastly, she let the thought of asking for a favourable review play through her mind... but it was too immoral to bear. She could not entertain the thought for longer than a second. It would be taking advantage of what seemed to be an innocent girl. It wouldn't be fair. Sophie had to go get breakfast. Naturally, since it was morning. It seemed she still lived with her parents. [i]Why was such a young girl...?[/i] No, it wasn't that unusual. It weighed heavily on her heart to get a young girl involved in this game and Cell City, but Sophie should have chosen this path herself, if all was right. She must have her reasons. It wasn't Candra's place to question her owner's motivations. Even if she wanted to, it was already too late. "Is there anything you'd like me to do now?" Sophie asked. [i]"Come with me to victory,"[/i] She wanted to say. [i]"Just enjoy your life, and I will protect you,"[/i] She wanted to say. [b]"...At your soonest convenience,"[/b] She began, [b]"it would be beneficial for you to understand what exactly is happening. I'll give you the short version, if you please. I am not, as you suspected, a worker from the developers of this app."[/b] Candra gave it some thought. [b]"Not directly, anyway. You might say I am something of a servant or a pawn. Yours, in fact."[/b] The picture on the screen stared for a minute, trying to determine if Sophie was paying attention. After a moment, she was satisfied, or else gave up trying to tell, because she continued. [b]"You should have been made aware before purchasing me, but there is a 'game' at hand, and one that you are a part of. In this game I am your sword and shield."[/b] Pondering over her explanation, and still trying to hurry it up, Candra sighed. It would take way too long to explain properly. [b]"Everything will become much clearer once you log in. When you have a spare moment, I would ask that you take my key - which, incedentally, you [i]must not[/i] misplace, and use it to unlock a door of your choosing. It matters not what door you open, as long as you do it with me."[/b] [b]"I have no further explanation for now, do not let me keep you any longer from your breakfast. However, the last thing I would request... although this may be above my station..."[/b] Candra stared forward with a fierce look that her owner probably couldn't see, [b]"Please... take me with you! I do not wish to leave your side so quickly. If you require it, I can keep silent."[/b] It was half an admonishment, saying 'Be careful' and half a desperate plea. The Valkyrie was just newly reborn into this world which she had not inhabited for so long. Above all else, she did not want to leave her master's side, nor did she want to be left alone.