Freezing at the sound of a shot being fired nearby, Takiko raised her own gun and carefully looked around. She was still in the forest, but according to her map she should be getting to the lake soon. A gun being fired could only mean there was another survivor nearby, of course. But it also meant there were the creatures around as well, and they would be getting more, lured from the sound. When there had still been more survivors, Takiko wouldn't have headed for the direction the sound had come from, after all, you never knew what was waiting for you there. But now, that she hadn't seen anyone for weeks, she had the feeling she should go and try to help out if her help is needed. She had just decided to head into the direction she had thought the sound had come from, when another was fired. She had been right, she was getting closer. The backpack was hindering her a little, it wasn't too huge, because lugging that kind of thing around wouldn't do you any good should you have to run, or climb or hide. But in direct combat, even the smaller one wasn't too practical. She made off at a run, though still trying to be careful nt to make too much noise, wouldn't want to have the creatures change their mind and have a go at herself. It didn't take long and the trees were getting lighter, which meant she was getting close to the lake, so she slowed down, gun up and ready for use. Se kept to the trees, not wanting to walk around in the open and get shot by another survivor because he, or she, had thought her to be one of the dead creatures comeing to get a meal. Takiko crept closer to the end of the trees, could already see the water and the sunlight reflecting off of it. Sadly, her bath would have to be put on hold, she thought for a second, then heard some heavy, rattling breathing a few feet behind her and twigs snapping as something made its way though the forest behind her. She whirled around, raised her gun and shot. It was strange to react, take aim and pull the trigger out of pure instincts. Or at least it had been in the beginning, Now, Takiko only wondered about herself sometimes. She had done hand-to-hand combat, took classes of all kinds of martial arts, but guns..., she had never thought about ending up always carrying one around and actually using it so often. But in that moment, she was just happy that the creature had been far enough away to spare her from its gory blood getting all over her. Now that she had shot as well, the other survivor should be alarmed to her presence, so maybe it was a good thing? She turned back around, continued her way towards the lake, still keeping to the tree trunk, just to make sure. A few more steps and she was out of the trees, blinking as the sunlight hit her eyes with full force as she left the shadows. She looked around. It wasn't hard to find the one who had fired those shots earlier, after all a truck turned upside down wasn't too hard to miss. She stared for a moment, taking everything in, and at the same time still a little afraid to be mistaken for one of the creatures. The cars passenger door was open, a lot of the things that seemed to have been inside where strewn around the area, some she could even make out floating in the lake. Then her eyes wandered to the persong sitting in front of it, an army green bag on his lap and a sawed-off shotgun in hand. The next thing she noticed was the blood on him. It dripped from his forehead and arm. Without thinking much, probably doctor-instinct kicking in, she hurried on towards him as fast as she dared. She kneeled down beside him, her eyes going to the head wound. She didn't touch him yet, though, as her eyes kept on going over him, searching for a bite wound. He seemed to be younger than her by a few years, though she couldn't be sure, of course. "Are you alright?" she inquired, which, of course, he wasn't after such an accident, but after not having spoken to anyone for so long, she might've lost a bit of her social skills. His head wound was bleeding a lot, though, which was normal for headwounds, but you never really knew how bad they actually really might be. She raised her hands, but stopped before getting too close to his head. "May I..?" she asked, wanting to take a closer look at the wound.