the yellow eyes that now burned hot landed on Ariel "Zendra is asleep, this is the first time I have come out since she was a seemed to take its toll on her, her and I are one....two sides of the same coin if you will angel" the whip tightened around a now choking Tina, she led her behind her like a animal and sat down on Tina's back her eyes not leaving Ariel "the emotion, Zendra let out seeing you attacked awoke me...breaking every seal that was placed, thanks to you angel....I am free" a sly smile cross her face she looked at Ariel in almost the same way Ariel looked at Zendra. tightening her grip on her whip making Tina give out another squeal of pain " seems like Zendra is waking up...until next time angel..." the being who took over Zendra's body gave Ariel a Wink as the firery hair went out turning black as ash, then changed back into her normal hair color, her eyes faded back to normal and then the whip faded away the smell of brimstone lingering in the air. Zendra fell into a heap onto the floor breathing heavy her eyes closed, she was passed out, Tina was laying next to her gasping for air a burn mark on her neck where the whip ate into her skin burning it, Zendra's eyes slowly opened "wh....where am I?" she said confused