Hey all! I've never written up a one-on-one Interest Check before, but lately I've found myself lacking more and more when it comes to talented, committed and mature writing partners. I'll try to make this about as short and sweet as possible, so that you don't have to read paragraphs upon paragraphs of pointless information. [u]About Me:[/u] I'm eighteen years old, and I live in Australia. I'm originally from Ireland, but I've been out here for about five or six years now. The fact that I'm located on the other side of the world to most of you makes me slightly unavailable at certain times of the day - I work and go to school, and [i]try[/i] to have some sort of social life: and I also try to sleep as much as I can. This means that I probably won't be able to write more than one or two posts a day maximum (sometimes only one every few days), and will only be available to chat to those of you located in America during the late evening/early morning. [u]What I'm Looking For:[/u] I've been roleplaying since I was.. nine, I think - and as soon as I'd started writing, I was hooked! I love to write, and I'll write about just about anything, so long as it doesn't involve anything [i]too[/i] taboo (ie anything to do with toilets). I'm looking for a dedicated and mature writing partner who isn't afraid to write out scenes involving violence, torture or even drug use - and, yes, as the word implies, 'mature' means that there [i]may[/i] be some sexual elements to our writing, if the RP is heading in that direction. I'm not a smut author, however; I have no interest in purely sexual writing, as it does nothing for me. I haven't got a list of criteria that you have to meet in order to roleplay with me: I'm a nice, approachable guy, and I'm willing to give anyone a chance. All I ask is that you have a good grasp of the English language and know how to use grammar correctly, try to reciprocate the length and quality of posts I give you, and that you use a spellchecker if you're not the best speller in the world (I use one myself, my spelling is appalling!). I'd also like you to be down-to-earth, in possession of some sort of a sense of humor, and easy to talk to: I don't like to just roleplay with someone - I like to get to know them, too! Yay, friends! >.> [u]Ideas[/u] I haven't got any firm plots in mind at the moment, but I'll list a few ideas/themes below that I'd be interested in exploring. I play a male myself, as I don't think that I can RP as a woman properly (as I'm not one!) - although I can double as a woman if need be. The ideas are as follows (all fandoms using OCs as mains, not canon). Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Avatar: The Legend of Korra Eragon Game of Thrones The Night Angel Trilogy A Prince of Thorns Naruto The Hunger Games Other Ideas: World War 2 The Holocaust: this is something that I'm rather interested in, and believe would make a superb roleplay. I'd like to play an SS Officer, with the other player maining a German Jew. We'd follow the pair's journey from the streets of Berlin before the Party's Rise to Power to the Extermination Camps in Poland at the end of the war. Medieval Medieval Fantasy Pirates Tudor Times Napoleonic Era Ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt Anywho, thanks for reading! PM me or tell me below if you're interested in discussing one of the ideas above - or, indeed, any other idea that you might have.