Anne finally got past the ticket man who stamped her ticket with nothing's 'security check but why did it take so long' she thought. Looking at her ticket it said train car 7. But where was that from the back to front or the front to back? Boarding the seventh car going back to front was coach seating. " sorry , excuse me, wrong area." She said slipping her way through the crowds. Getting to the seventh car slowly. The train was so narrow she held her suit case above her head to get past. People rushing going both ways pushing and shoving. SEEING she was getting close since the last room was 5. Looking in she saw the man from the bench and checked the car number.7 " Hello, I'm Anne" she said taking In how small of a space it was and contemplating where to put her suit case. It would go with her feet on her bed since all her stuff for the trip like a tooth brush and a regular brush where in there. Plus a change of socks and her tablet. Walking in she placed the suit case next to the other chair and sat down Studying his movement.